Doug Wilson Engineering Associates, Inc.
“Business” Broadband is the Opprotunity Emphasis-Opportunities Tier 3 Telcos Results of Discussions over two years A. Observations of “Others” Activities B. Respect Confidentiality Generate New Revenue exiting skill sets & infrastructure w/o betting the Farm
Primary Focus Tools to win race to be Broadband Provider for your customers & community Ethernet Provider for: ◦ Local Businesses ◦ Local and County Governments Company Ramifications Liberally Plagiarized ◦ Service Provider Web Sites ◦ Vendors Calix/BIT- Frank Weiner Others- CISCO, etc.
The Story of Ethernet
You know, I’m not sure if this Ethernet will ever be used in an IOC market…..
Ethernet IOC market opportunities one year later…..
Existing Physical Infrastructure Organizational Infrastructure ◦ Technical Skills ◦ TDM/ Ethernet Skills ◦ Marketing Skills Business/Government Needs ◦ Broadband Connectivity Needs Exploding -CISCO says 46%/Yr. ◦ Internet Concerns of Businesses Security-Bandwidth ◦ Data Connectivity Becoming Mission Critical ◦ Wireless Backhaul Opportunities Exploding
Need Trusted Provider/Partner ◦ Local Presence ◦ Financial Integrity ◦ Single Source US Wholesale Ethernet Service revenues of $595 million in 2009 with estimates of $1.5 billion in Frost & Sullivan
Existing TDM/ Sonet Networks Some Core Ethernet? xDSL/FTTP? Technology Cycle Accelerating ◦ Historically 3/5 years ◦ Recently 1 ½ years Price Decreases- Ethernet Carrier Grade Data Products “Business Services” less price sensitive than residential services & less competition
SONET NETWORK DS1 DS3 ‘limited” IP OCx DS1 DS3 ‘limited” IP OCx Existing TDM platform Very Reliable & Secure Best option for ‘Specials” Limited for IP bandwidth High cost optics Expansion expensive Not Efficient Supports Ethernet POTS xDSL FTTH DS1 BLC TRANSPORT
ETHERNET NETWORK IP - 10/100 Mb IP - 1Gb ‘limited’ DS1 Ethernt/IP platform Can Be Very reliable Poor option for ‘Specials” Provides very high IP bandwidth Very low cost optics Expansion inexpensive Very Efficient It’s here POTS xDSL FTTH ‘limited’ DS1 IP - 10/100 Mb IP - 1Gb ‘limited’ DS1 BLC TRANSPORT
New Inter Net Based Applications Developing Internet Not Secure or Reliable Initial Bandwidth requirements How to handle Growth? Point-Point & Point- Multipoint requirements In Area & Out of Area- Networking Goal/Support – Connection to “Enterprise Systems”
Virtual Configuration VLAN/VPN Control creates “circuit” Flexible & Reconfigurable Easy Update/Modify Relatively Economical Not Disruptive Technology for Infrastructure or staff
Existing Infrastructure ◦ SONET? ◦ FTTP/xDSL? ◦ Fiber Existing Organization Local Presence Establishes Broadband Relationships
Define Opportunity- Customers ◦ Identify Potential Customers ◦ Define Their Requirements Learn “Dataese” Identify Network & Operating Systems Upgrades- Don’t Over Analyze- Negotiate Inter Connection Arrangements – If Necessary Develop Marketing & Pricing Plan MARKET Implement & Perform- Monitor Publicize & Repeat