A.Vasiliev, IHEP-Protvino 2-nd PANDA meeting in Russia, April 26-28, 2010 IHEP activity in barrel Alexander Vasiliev (IHEP-Protvino) PANDA electromagnetic.


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Presentation transcript:

A.Vasiliev, IHEP-Protvino 2-nd PANDA meeting in Russia, April 26-28, 2010 IHEP activity in barrel Alexander Vasiliev (IHEP-Protvino) PANDA electromagnetic calorimeter session

A.Vasiliev, IHEP-Protvino 2-nd PANDA meeting in Russia, April 26-28, Content Decree of Russian Government on participation of Russia in FAIR and Rosatom ‘Scientific and Technical Council’ meeting Rosatom Order on founding the Russian FAIR Scientific and Technical Committee. Status of the Bogoroditsk plant. PWO radiation study facility at IHEP (Vasily Mochalov) Mechanical design work (Andrei Levin) Neutron irradiation of the PWO crystals and PWO induced activity Progress in carbon fiber technology at IHEP Conclusions

A.Vasiliev, IHEP-Protvino 2-nd PANDA meeting in Russia, April 26-28, Anticipated Russian participation in FAIR Decree of Russian Government on FAIR is signed by V.V.Putin and officially published (Number 245-р dated by February 27, 2010) Participation of Russia in FAIR in the frame of the strategic partnership with Germany  15% of the FAIR full cost, which is 178 M Euro in 2005 costs

A.Vasiliev, IHEP-Protvino 2-nd PANDA meeting in Russia, April 26-28, Rosatom ‘Scientific and Technical Council’ meeting Took place on February 10, 2010  “Role and Participation of the Russian Institutes in FAIR”. The FAIR Scientific Director Boris Sharkov made a report on FAIR status at the meeting. Decisions of the meeting important for PANDA were taken: STC recommended Rosatom to continue a financial support of IHEP in the PANDA calorimetry R&D studies STC recommended Rosatom to set up Scientific and Technical Committee (STC) to coordinate the Russian institutes participation in FAIR (accelerators and PANDA/CBM/NuSTAR/APPA) Rosatom Order # 274 dated by April 9, 2010 – STC is founded (15 members).

A.Vasiliev, IHEP-Protvino 2-nd PANDA meeting in Russia, April 26-28, 2010 Status of the Bogoroditsk plant The plant is in the process of bankruptcy. May – platinum will be taken to “Gochran”. June – the court will announce the plant as a bankrupt. “After that the plant will immediately start to be sell off by pieces” – Director Alexei Baberdin. To save the plant – show the Protocol of Intent in May and at the court in June. A specific date of a Contract signature will have to be pointed out in the Protocol (Contract to produce up to ~9,500 of last PWO crystals).

A.Vasiliev, IHEP-Protvino 2-nd PANDA meeting in Russia, April 26-28, PWO radiation study facility at IHEP Goal – long term (months!) continuous irradiation of PWO crystals at negative temperatures

A.Vasiliev, IHEP-Protvino 2-nd PANDA meeting in Russia, April 26-28, 2010 Main parts of the irradiation experimental setup Gamma source Co 60 (7x10 12 ) neutron source (4 Pu-α Be) Crystal containerLauda cryothermostat

A.Vasiliev, IHEP-Protvino 2-nd PANDA meeting in Russia, April 26-28, 2010 The neutron irradiation study Four Pu-α-Be sources were used for irradiation study Sources were placed in special polyethylene collimator Integral Nominal Intensity 1.9∙10 8 neutrons in 4π. Measured fluence at crystal place (20 cm from sources) is ~3∙10 4 n/(cm 2 ∙sec). Calculated fluence (MCNP) ~4.2∙10 4 n/(sm 2 ∙sec). Dose rate of convoyed gamma- irradiation was ~70 mrad/h. Neutron source Crystal box LAUDA Spectrophotometer will have to be incorporated into setup (instead of 450 nm and 640 nm  330 nm – 1000 nm)

A.Vasiliev, IHEP-Protvino 2-nd PANDA meeting in Russia, April 26-28, 2010 Comparison of gamma and neutron irradiations Luminiscence signal changeBlue LED signal change

A.Vasiliev, IHEP-Protvino 2-nd PANDA meeting in Russia, April 26-28, 2010 Comparison 2 Luminiscence signal changeBlue LED signal change Plateau was not achieved after 300 hours of irradiation Plateau was not achieved after 300 hours of irradiation

A.Vasiliev, IHEP-Protvino 2-nd PANDA meeting in Russia, April 26-28, 2010 Two papers are under preparation “Neutron irradiation” “Induced activity” – specific experiment was carried out Some PWO crystals (2.7x2.7x22 cm 3 ) were irradiated near the internal target of 70-GeV IHEP accelerator. Beam duration was 1 sec. Full cycle was 9 sec. Intensity was 5x10 11 at the target. Time of irradiation was 200 sec and 150 hours to extract short- lived and long-lived isotopes. The mean energy of the secondary particles from the target was several GeV. Wide set of the secondary particles. ~25 long-lived and ~30 short-lived radionuclides were identified.

A.Vasiliev, IHEP-Protvino 2-nd PANDA meeting in Russia, April 26-28, 2010 PWO mechanical support carbon fiber technology at IHEP 4 Mould to produce carbon fiber prototype

A.Vasiliev, IHEP-Protvino 2-nd PANDA meeting in Russia, April 26-28, 2010 PWO mechanical support carbon fiber technology at IHEP 4 “Crystal” sizes are 27x27x250 mm 3, an accuracy of the mould production is 20 mkm.

A.Vasiliev, IHEP-Protvino 2-nd PANDA meeting in Russia, April 26-28, 2010 PWO mechanical support carbon fiber technology at IHEP 4

A.Vasiliev, IHEP-Protvino 2-nd PANDA meeting in Russia, April 26-28, 2010 PWO mechanical support carbon fiber technology at IHEP 4 Mandrel is to be wrapped by carbon fiber raw material (prepreg, 120 mkm), installed into the mould and baked in the furnace A hole is for the temperature monitor

A.Vasiliev, IHEP-Protvino 2-nd PANDA meeting in Russia, April 26-28, 2010 Unidirectional(UD) Carbon fibers 3K Thick-100 µm Wide -300 mm, CJSC "Prepreg", Moscow, Russia

A.Vasiliev, IHEP-Protvino 2-nd PANDA meeting in Russia, April 26-28, 2010 Cutting the strips 10 mm wide. Winding around the mandrel butting the edges, 2 layers at an angle of 120°.

A.Vasiliev, IHEP-Protvino 2-nd PANDA meeting in Russia, April 26-28, 2010 While assembling the mould, a gap of 200 µm is provided between the mandrel and each of the sides.

A.Vasiliev, IHEP-Protvino 2-nd PANDA meeting in Russia, April 26-28, 2010 Temperature sensor Curing (2 hours, 180°C) Temperature monitoring of mould at 2 points Temperature monitors

A.Vasiliev, IHEP-Protvino 2-nd PANDA meeting in Russia, April 26-28, 2010

A.Vasiliev, IHEP-Protvino 2-nd PANDA meeting in Russia, April 26-28, Conclusions – the nearest plans Try to solve the Bogoroditsk problem. Incorporate spectrophotometer in the IHEP irradiation facility and start up a long term irradiation (~100 days) of several PWO crystals with a PANDA dose rate at ~-20 0 C. A production of the first carbon fiber prototype for PWO mechanical support has started. Quality? Make mechanical drawings and strength calculations – two engineers (Andrei Levin and Alexander Ryabov) Finish up writing and submit two papers – ‘neutron irradiation’ and ‘induced activity’