1. Objective (READ) SWBAT explain how the USSR was created. 2. Question of the Day. (WRITE) 3. Warm-up (ANSWER) 1. Complete #40 on the midterm review sheet.


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Presentation transcript:

1. Objective (READ) SWBAT explain how the USSR was created. 2. Question of the Day. (WRITE) 3. Warm-up (ANSWER) 1. Complete #40 on the midterm review sheet. - Use your EU notes or p Complete #41 on the review sheet. - Use your EU notes or p. 327.

Warm-up Answers #40. Group of developed European countries working together economically and politically. #41. To create a cooperative trade zone and develop common economic policies.

Russian History – Modified Timeline Assignment

Directions: 1. Put the intro notes on the back of your Review Sheet or in your notebook. 2. Complete the assignment on the white paper on your desk. READ ONLY

Directions: In your notebook, complete the Frayer Model below. CZAR (TSAR) 2. Definition  emperor of Russia before the Communist Revolution 3. What form of political system is a czar? 4. Sketch

Russian History – Last 100 years 1. Czars Rule Russia (1613 – early 1900s) – Kings rule Russia, only help the rich, massacre citizens on Bloody Sunday. Russian Troops arriving at the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg on Bloody Sunday, 1905

2. Czars become weak (1910 – 1917) - Massive food shortages, soldiers in World War I don’t have equipment, no infrastructure

3. Communist Revolution (1917) - Czar is overthrown, Lenin installs a Communist government Vladimir Lenin, 1 st Communist Dictator of the Soviet Union

4. USSR established (1922) - Russian government takes control (colonizes) of Ukraine, Belarus, and Transcaucasia (Georgia, Chechnya, Ossetia, etc.) Transcaucasian SSR

4. USSR established (1922) - Russian government takes control (colonizes) of Ukraine, Belarus, and Transcaucasia (Georgia, Chechnya, Ossetia, etc.) Byelorussian (Belarus) SSR

4. USSR established (1922) - Russian government takes control (colonizes) of Ukraine, Belarus, and Transcaucasia (Georgia, Chechnya, Ossetia, etc.) Ukrainian SSR

Timeline Setup 1. Give your timeline a title. 2. Draw a line across the middle of your page horizontally. 3. Draw four large boxes, 2 above the line, 2 below the line. 4. Connect the boxes to your horizontal line.

Timeline Directions Intro: You are a person growing up in Russia during the early 1900s. This timeline is a part of your diary (or newscast, news article, or letter to your long lost love, etc.) Requirements for each Box. 1. Title of the event with year 2. Picture of the event 3. Your description of the event

Czars Rule Russia, 1613 – early 1900s Description: I didn’t like it when the Czars ruled Russia, they only took care of the rich people. My family was poor and struggled to survive during this time.

Czars Rule Russia, 1613 – early 1900s Description: I didn’t like it when the Czars ruled Russia, they only took care of the rich people. My family was poor and struggled to survive during this time. Timeline Requirements: 1. Title of the event with year. 2. Picture of the event 3. Your description of the event

Narco State Clip Questions: 1. How does this clip demonstrate spatial diffusion? 2. How would you solve these problems for the US? 3. How would you solve these problems for Mexico?

Sputnik Clip Clip Questions 1. What year was Sputnik launched? 2. What effect did the Sputnik launch have on the US? 3. Explain the Space Race.

Timeline Requirements For each event you must have… 1. Date 2. Title 3. Description 4. Picture

Descriptions Must have at least two sentences. Answer the questions below: 1. Explain how the individual/event contributed to the rise or fall of Communism. 2. People  What did he/she do? OR 2. Events  What were the effects of the event?

Directions Create a timeline using timetoast.com For each event you must have a date, title, description, and picture/image. –For events without the day and month, use January 1 st. –For events without sources, paste the sources website or create a citation. See the citation resource on the wiki for assistance.

Timeline Events 1. 1st Czar - see mine 2. Russian Revolution - p.363, PBS source 3. Soviet Union created – p. 363 Timeline, PBS 4. Stalin – PBS source 5. World War II - p Cold War begins - p Sputnik – clip notes 8. Cold War Events – CNN source - All sources are provided on the wiki.

Cold War Events Use the CNN source on the wiki. If you use any other sources you must cite them on your timeline. Choose any three events from the list below: –Berlin Airlift- Vietnam War –U-2 Affair- Korean War –Berlin Wall –Cuban Missile Crisis –Star Wars

Timetoast Procedures Create a username. Create your timeline. When you are finished publish your timeline. –Once you publish your timeline your timeline will receive its own link. me the link or turn it in on paper. –Use the wiki link tool to copy and paste the link on the wiki file page. –Click edit page and choose the insert hyperlink button (see next slide). –Make sure you select external link. –Type where it says link text and title it with your first and last name.

How to insert links on the wiki.

Use this to cycle through the different time periods. Click on the yellow links here to change the info on the right. Here is where the additional information will be. Sometimes you can scroll down for more info.