1. Objective (READ) SWBAT identify the problems caused by distance decay. 2. Question of the Day. (TURN OBJECTIVE INTO A QUESTION) 3. Warm-up (ANSWER) 1. True/False – Cut-away boxes are the most important part of our maps. 2. True/False – If you are coloring anything on the map for more than 15 seconds you are coloring too long.
Table of Contents DateTitleLesson # 11/12Western Europe vs. Eastern Europe 37 11/16European Union38 11/18EU DBQ39 **RUSSIA (EURASIA) UNIT** 11/23Cover Page40 11/24Cut-Away Boxes41 1. Go to the next fresh page. 2. Write the title “RUSSIA Cover Page”
Russia Cut-Away Boxes
Directions Title the next page after your Russia warm-up section “Cut-away boxes.” Take out your maps from yesterday.
Create this chart TopicExplanation
-11 time zones - Diverse cultures READ ONLY
Create this chart TopicExplanation 1. Distance Decay - Russia has 11 time zones
Directions: In your notebook, complete the Frayer Model below. DISTANCE DECAY Definition long distances between places make communication and transportation difficult Political Effect - Distance makes it tough to enforce laws Economic Effect Sketch USE p. 389
Create this chart TopicExplanation 1. Distance Decay - Russia has 11 time zones - Trade and transportation are difficult.
URAL MOUNTAINS Separate the continents Europe and Asia. Serve as the border. READ ONLY
EUROPE ASIA - Before modern technology the Urals served as a barrier to diffusion.
URALSURALS West of the Urals the culture and people are more European East of the Urals the culture and people are more Asian - As a result different cultures developed on each side of the mountains.
Create this chart TopicExplanation 1. Distance Decay - Russia has 11 time zones - Trade and transportation are difficult. 2. Ural Mountains - Border between Europe and Asia. - Barrier to cultural diffusion = diverse cultures.
Siberia in the summer. The permafrost melts and creates small ponds and lakes. READ ONLY
3. SIBERIA Siberia has tundra and subarctic climate regions. (VERY COLD) Clip Question 1.Why is it difficult to extract natural resources from Siberia? -Bad transportation When the permafrost melts the ground is wet and muddy. During the winter it is cold, icy, and snowy.
Create this chart TopicExplanation 1. Distance Decay - Russia has 11 time zones - Russia has diverse cultures - Trade and transportation are difficult. 2. Ural Mountains - Border between Europe and Asia. - Barrier to cultural diffusion = diverse cultures. 3. Siberia- The tundra climate makes it difficult to transport natural resources.
Extra Cut-Away Box Directions: 1.Define continentality using p. 350 in the text. 2.Explain how it impacts the climate of Russia.
(Your answer to the Distance Decay Cut- Away Question) READ ONLY
Cut-Away Box Procedures 1. Answer must be in a complete sentence. 2. They cannot cover another physical feature that is graded. 3. They must have an arrow that points directly to the physical feature in the question. READ ONLY
Closure – (Do on the Exit Ticket slip. Turn it in on the chair before you leave) 1. Answer the Question of the Day in your notebook like usual. 2. Explain why distance decay is a problem. 3. If you were the President of Russia, how would you fix the problems created by distance decay? - Create a strategy to address the transportation problems associated with distance decay - Create a strategy to address the economic problems associated with distance decay