+ Creating Lifelong Readers: Day 1 Reflecting on personal experiences with reading and what we can do as caretakers/educators to help our kids develop life-long reading skills.
+ What is a “lifelong reader” ? Take a few moments to brainstorm what that phrase means to you, personally, either as a reader or as a non-reader. Define the phrase focusing on what it means to you and to our society. 10 minutes.
+ Reflecting on your personal experiences as a reader Free-Write: Use the full 10 minutes given you to reflect on the following question: Do you consider yourself a life-long reader? Why or why not? Be specific and explain your answer thoroughly.
+ Continuing to Reflect Free-Write: Take the full 10 minutes given to you to reflect upon the following question. Reflect on 2 experiences you had as a young reader that were either positive or negative. Explain how these experiences shaped you as a reader today, either as a reader or a non-reader.
+ Brainstorm Brainstorm with a partner some benefits to creating life-long readers. Put yourself in the position of a caregiver or an educator to help you brainstorm. Think of at least 10 benefits.
+ Brainstorm What are some negative consequences adults face as non-readers in our society? Think of at least 10.
+ Closure Why would caregivers and educators want to create life long readers for our society?