Does the youth have faith in the North? Tommi Hoikkala Harmony of the North: Man and Nature. Youth View November 25-26, 2010, Petrozavodsk
Barents region Thirteen northernmost regions from Norway, Sweden, Finland and Northwest Russia belong to Barents region Tommi Hoikkala
Youth’s trust in the Norhern dimension Anne Tuhkunen has reported in her dissertation Between location and sense of place. Observations Regarding Young People's Migration Alacrity in Northern Europe from 2006 (University of Tampere) results from the Barents school survey (N=1627) (data collected in 2000) (respodents 14 – 30 yrs) The results implied that migration alacrity was a dominant feature among youth in Barents region, 74 % had migration plans. The strongest willingness to move was found among Finnish and Swedish respodents (81 % vs. 82 %). This compared to Norwey (67 %) and Russia (67 %). A general trait: migration rediness is highest among those who live in villages or in muncipalities, and lowest in big cities. And higher among girls tah boys. Does youth appreciate modernity? datename
datename New hints of results - The Nordic Youth Research among 16 to 19 year old students in Åland Islands, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden (October 2010) by ICSRA [Icelandic Centre for Social Research and Analysis] - The Finnish Youth Barometer Survey
datename “After you have completed your present education, what do you consider to do?”
datename “How often have you taken part in the following during the last 30 days?” (1/2)
datename “How often have you taken part in the following during the last 30 days?” (2/2)
datename “How much confidence do you have in the following societal institutions?”
datename “How much confidence do you have in the following societal institutions?”
datename Comparison of leisure time of youth and adults (1/2)
datename Comparison of leisure time of youth and adults (2/2)
datename How interesting does the everyday life appear to be…?
To answer the title I was given Two citations from Anne Tuhkunen (2006): ”Results suggest that location and local opportunity structure play an important part in the origin of a mental attitude concerning relations between remote and urban areas, in which areas are seen as being in a stronger position compared to peripheral areas.” ”Sense of place (…) is the internal component of place, referring to place attachment and local everyday practices which bind people to their living environment. In Barents region this may mean both representation and experiences of northerness: peripheriality, harsh climate, traditionally and locally guided culture, but also a chain of generations and meaningful experiences connected to certain places.” To answer the title I was given – Does the youth have faith in the North? It’s a matter of local opportunity structures and of the sense of place! datename
The Finnish Youth Research Society is pleased to announce that the 11th NYRIS symposium Global / Local Youth – New Civic Cultures, Rights and Responsibilities will take place at the University of Turku in Turku, Finland, 13–15 June 2011 and the Call for Papers is now open! datename