Social Studies/6th Teachers: Roberts/Gonzalez/Sanchez
Unit TEKS: (RS/SS) 6.4 (A)[SS]locate various contemporary societies on maps and globes using latitude and longitude to determine absolute location; 6.4 (D)(RS) identify and locate major physical and human geographic features such as landforms, water bodies, and urban centers of various places and regions; 6.7 (A(RS) identify and analyze ways people have adapted to the physical environment in various places and regions 6.9 (A)(RS) compare ways in which various societies organize the production and distribution of goods and services;
Subject:Social Studies DATE: Objective 6.4 (A)[SS]locate various contemporary societies on maps and globes using latitude and longitude to determine absolute location; WARM-UP Students will see video segments of Europe Geography. Activity Students will complete a chart on physical features of Europe and Russia. Students locate and label major bodies of lands and bodies of water in Europe. Assessment Teacher observation LANGUAGE OBJ Students will: 4G: Show comprehension of English text about Europe and Russia by completing chart and map. Homework Study notes HOT What makes the Danube River a major Transportation corridor?
Subject:Social Studies DATE: Objective 6.7 (A(RS) identify and analyze ways people have adapted to the physical environment in various places and regions WARM-UP Video Segment on overview of Europe and Russia geography. Activity Students will: complete a concept web with information about the natural vegetation of Europe and Russia. Students will take notes and review Assessment Teacher observation LANGUAGE OBJ Students will: 5B: Write using newly acquired vocabulary about.Europe and Russia by completing concept web. Homework Study notes HOT What are the advantages of living in the rain shadow of the Alps?
Subject:Social Studies DATE: Objective 6.4 (D)(RS) identify and locate major physical and human geographic features such as landforms, water bodies, and urban centers of various places and regions; WARM-UP Video segment on natural resources of Europe and Russia. Activity Students will complete Venn Diagram on natural resources of Europe and Russia. Assessment Teacher observation Mini benchmark test LANGUAGE OBJ Students will: 4G: Show comprehension of English text about natural resources of Europe and Russia by completing Venn Diagram. Homework Study notes HOT What prevents hydroelectric power from being developed in Russia compared to Europe?
Subject:Social Studies DATE: Objective 6.7 (A(RS) identify and analyze ways people have adapted to the physical environment in various places and regions WARM-UP How many major climate zones are located in Europe? Activity Students will read Europe’s Climate and answer questions. Assessment Teacher observation and grade questions. LANGUAGE OBJ Students will: 4G: Show comprehension of English text about Europe’s climate by answering questions. Homework Study notes HOT How does Russia’s latitude, or distance from the Equator, affect its climate?
Subject:Social Studies DATE: Objective 6.9 (A) [RS]compare ways in which various societies organize the production and distribution of goods and services; WARM-UP Video Streaming/on Europe Activity Students will read Europe’s Resources and Industries and answer questions. Assessment Teacher will grade questions and quiz? LANGUAGE OBJ Students will : Homework Study notes HOT What geographic features contribute to the fertile soil of Europe and Ukraine? 5B: Write using newly acquired vocabulary about Europe’s resources and industries