Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS-Stat) Study of migration in the 2010 round of population censuses in CIS member states: analysis of the results Irina A.Zbarskaya CIS-Stat Workshop on Population and Housing Censuses Geneva, 22 September 2014
2 ROUND 2000ROUND : USSR Turkmenistan1995 Azerbaijan 1999 Belarus Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Round 2010 censuses in CIS countries Azerbaijan 2009 Tajikistan2000 Russia 2010 Armenia 2001 Ukraine Russia2002 Moldova2004 Belarus Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Armenia2011 Turkmenistan 2012 Moldova2014 Tajikistan Uzbekistan Ukraine Uzbekistan
3 Round 2010 censuses in CIS countries Population in CIS by census years (mln. Persons) Year of census Kyrgyzstan Russia
4 Census key statements Population censuses are conducted in accordance to census laws or relevant statistics laws rules Censuses was conducted by interviewers, sampling method was not used Census pragrammes, according to international recommendations, included all the key topics All countries rewritten permanent population using a one-time criteria for permanent population unclusion – living in one place for 12 months and more; In addition, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan have received the number of present population. Armenia -147,1 Kyrgyzstan - 255,1 Tajikistan - 465,2 4,9% 4,8% 6,1% Difference between present and resident population (thousand persons )
5 Migration theme in population census (1) All countries included question: Extensive mode Reduced mode (year and month of arrival) (one year prior to the census) Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Russia Kazakhstan Tajikistan Kyrgyzstan Moldova Turkmenistan Place of birth Country of citizenship Previous place of residence and date of arrival to present residence
6 Migration theme in population census(2) Migrants who changed their place of residence one year prior to the census, given by previous residence, thous. persons Total population Arrived for permanent residence including: Changed residence within countrie Arrived from CIS and other countries total % to total populatio n from: % to total populatio n CIS countries Other countries Azerbaijan8922,467,160,90,7 6,20,1 kazakhstan16009,6426,1344,62,266,215,30,5 Russia*140960,13095,32618,71,9202,532,40,2 Tajikistan7564,5103,595,81,26,31,40,1 *Private households population and those not to specify territory – 901,2 thousand persons
moved for 10 years non-citizens 650,7 thousands 101,6 thousands 4,1% 0,63% 7 Migration theme in population census(3) Share of foreign citizens in resident population, % AzerbaijanArmeniaBelarus Kazakhsta n KyrgyzstanRussia*Tajikistan 0,130,741,330,630,570,480,1 *To number of answered on citizenship question.4,1 mln. People did not answer that question Kazakhstan
8 Migration theme in population census (4) Azer baija n Arme nia Belar us Kaza khsta n Kyrgyz stan Mildov a Russia Tajikist an Turkm nistan Temporary residence ●●●●●●●●● - Purpose of visit, including work ●●●●●●●○● Temporary absence●●●●●●○●● - time of absence●●● ○ ●● ○ ●● - reason of absence, including work ●●● ○ ●● ○ ●● Tajikistan (September 2010) Temporarily absent (one year) at the time of the census thousand. According to administrative records approximately 90% travel to the Russian Federation. At the time of the census aprox thousands of Tajikistan citizens could be located in Russia Russia (October 2010) Temporarily residing citizens of Tajikistan thousand people, including 30.8 thousands with work purpose. 87,1 thousand of Tajikistan citizens are permanent residents of Russia. 200 thousand people have defined their national identity as "Tajiks"
2020 round: Convergence of census timing, especially in Common Economic Space of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia, which accounts for 60% of the total population and about 75% of all migrants CIS. Harmonization of the main topics of the census program. The use of common definitions of "worker" and "migrant worker". Approval of indicators list for international data exchange CIS statcomitee proposes the following tables for better nigration understanding: The population registered at the round 2020 census Length of stay in the place of permanent residence Migrants by duration of stay in place of permanent residence and previous residence Distribution of imternational migrants by educational level Migrants, temporarily residenced on the territory of the country with work purpose,distributed by country of residence and age groups 9 Conclusions
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