1 Scaffolding
2 What is scaffolding? Temporary supports that make content more accessible for beginning language learners. Psychologist Lev Vygotsky called this area the “zone of proximal development.” As the student becomes more competent, the support is gradually removed until the student is able to perform the task without assistance.
3 What are some ways to add scaffolding to instruction and assessment? Simplify the Language Provide Choices Visuals and Graphics Manipulatives Cooperative Learning Simplify the Format Model, Model, Model
4 Simplify the Language Use short phrases Reduce sentence length Limit number of sentences
5 Provide Choices Allow options in tasks Provide a word bank Ask for completion, not generation
6 Visuals & Graphics Use meaningful pictures Provide graphic organizers Allow pictoral responses Teach visualization strategies
7 Manipulatives Real artifacts Maps, globes, models Create games Art projects Publish books Poster projects Experiments Photo essays
8 Cooperative Learning Literature discussion groups Role plays Projects-art, research, internet Buddy reading Think alouds Problem solving
9 Simplify the Format Reduce page clutter Limit use of needless visuals Space out on the page Use large font size Add boldfaced type Use text boxes Divide into sections
10 Model, Model, Model Demonstrate Simulate Activate Provide examples Write key points Repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat…………..
11 What does scaffolding help beginning language learners do? Understand academic language Grasp content material more easily Make connections Build confidence Demonstrate their strengths
12 What are you waiting for? Your diverse community of learners is counting on you to provide them with the support they need to be successful!!!