What Caused the Cold War? Type 2 Data Set Analysis 13a
Directions: Put on back of question sheet Focus Question: Who Caused the Cold War (US or Russia) and Why? My answer: WRITE WHAT YOU THINK HERE Class Answers: WRITE LIST OF CLASS ANSWERS
As you examine each document and answer questions, think about the class answers and add or subtract answers as needed When finished, we will go over answers Hwk: Craft an essay that answers the question, Who Started the Cold War 7. GREEN-Due on Thursday March 20 th GOLD-Due on Friday March 21 st
Data Set 1 1. Economic system in which prices are determined by seller and buyer 2. In communism the resources are controlled by the worker. In capitalism the resources are controlled by the buyer/seller.
Data Set 2 1. Authoritarianism is power resting with one person and democracy is power resting with the people.
Data Set 3 1. Sent spies in 2. That they are untrustworthy
Data Set 4 1. Divide Berlin 2. Seek democracy 3. Viewed it as a threat/feel America is trying to take over
Data Set 5 1. Spread it to other countries 2. Conflict
Data Set 6 1. US 2. Policy of the US to support anti-communists 3. A threat
Data Set 7 1. Create peace, support freedom, develop capitalism 2. Russia; Upset
Data Set DATA SET 8 1. Policy of the US to stop communism from spreading 2. Threatening DATA SET 9 1. America is seeks to dominate (imperialism) DATA SET Worried DATA SET Being attacked 2. His land in E. Europe 3. To counter America’s bomb 4. As a threat.
Date Set DATA SET Worried DATA SET Being attacked 2. His land in E. Europe 3. To counter America’s bomb 4. As a threat.
Data Set We seek to control 2. Think of how the Russian’s view our actions