DUE ON Friday, February 20, 2009 by 5:00 p.m. in the Office of Student Services
Why do we Register? Privileges of Registered Student Organizations The right to use the name of Arkansas Tech University in connection with organizational activities Coordinated use of facilities of the University, to include buildings, grounds, equipment, and assistance from staff, Right to request news coverage by the ArkaTech, and TECH Radio & TV Ability to apply for Student Development Funds, To sponsor or present a public performance on University property, and To have an agency account
RSO General Requirements Conduct activities in a manner consistant with the regulations, standards, and Code of Conduct at Arkansas Tech University, Shall not haze (see Hazing Affidavit) On or Off campus activities must be approved by the Office of Student Services Accountable for members’ acts committed on behalf of the organization All organizations must be properly recognized by the University
Governmental Honorary Religious Social Special Interest Student Publications University Sponsored Student Organization Classifications
COMPLETE list of Officers (elected and / or appointed) Name, Title, Mailing Address, Phone number, This should be local contact information for officers rather than their address at home. Per Student Handbook “Students on academic or disciplinary probation may not hold offices in RSOs” As elections (regular or special) are held, please turn in a COMPLETE list of the new officers contact information to the Office of Student Services within 5 business days of the election. Officer / Contact Information
Per Student Handbook “Each organization shall have an active advisor who is a faculty member, an academic department staff member or a member of the administrative staff.” Active vs. Inactive Active Mutual contact is maintained Attends some organizational meetings/events Provides support for organization members Inactive Virtually no contact maintained Faculty Advisor
Per Student Handbook “No organization shall require of its members any activity incompatible with scholastic attainment or acceptable general development. In particular, hazing in any form is prohibited. No student or group of students will be permitted to use mental, verbal, or physical violence against, or in any way jeopardize the health, scholastic standing, or civil liberties of another student or college personnel.” AR Hazing Act 75 of 1983 Hazing Affidavit
Electronic copies of: Local Constitution (if not completed in Fall Term) Organization Mission/Purpose Membership Requirements Membership Roster Average attendance for those groups without dues paying members Per Student Handbook “Active membership (those eligible to vote) in RSOs shall be limited to registered, full-time students.” Additional Resources
All RSOs are required to maintain a secure, University agency account Income Membership Dues, Fundraising, Cash Rewards & Prizes, etc. Allow for the use of payment via cash, check, or credit/debit in Student Accounts Expenses On-campus and off-campus bills Allow for two weeks for check requests All forms are available online All deposits should be made at the Student Accounts Office once a week regardless of the size of the deposit and per Controller; any daily cash received in excess of $25.00 is to be deposited daily. Agency Accounts
Any student organization that receives a receipt for goods or services purchased or rendered, to use as a reimbursement, must have the following: Companies name Address Phone number Signature of a company representative The receipt may be printed, stamped, or handwritten if it provides the above mentioned information. Receipts
As stated in the general requirements for all RSOs, BOTH on- and off-campus events must be approved by the Office of Student Services The RSO Event Form must be completed and turned in at least 5 business days prior to the date of the event All on-campus events are expected to adhere to University policy on alcohol and other drugs University reserves right to require uniformed security officers if necessary Violations of any part of this policy can result in judicial actions against the organization On-/Off-Campus Events
Per the Student Handbook “Requests for all on-/off-campus solicitation must be approved by the office of Student Services. The Office of Student Services will review the requests and notify the organization of the status of their request.” Requests must be filed at least 7 business days prior to the date(s) of solicitation/fundraising event. Requests will be reviewed within 3 business days from receipt. Solicitation/Fundraising is only available in Doc Bryan, Young, or Chambers Cafeteria, unless otherwise approved. Solicitation/Fundraising (On- / Off- Campus)
Travel requests through the Student Development Fund require more than 30 business days to process so please plan accordingly. A good practice is to plan early. For more information about Student Development Fund, please see Kathy Pierce, Doc Bryan 202. Student Development Fund
All travel forms for clubs/organizations must be completed and returned to the Office of Student Services. In most cases, five (5) business days in advance for regular travel, fifteen (15) business days if using university vehicle. All travel forms for clubs/organizations must be completed and returned to the Office of Student Services. In most cases, five (5) business days in advance for regular travel, fifteen (15) business days if using university vehicle. BUT BUT If your club/organization is applying for the Student Development Fund, a greater time frame is needed for the Student Development Fund requests to be processed. If your club/organization is applying for the Student Development Fund, a greater time frame is needed for the Student Development Fund requests to be processed. Student Travel
Effective January 6, 2009, any student who is identified pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act as having downloaded material including, but not limited to, songs or movies in violation of United States copyright law will sanctioned as follows: If the student is on scholarship, the scholarship will be withdrawn immediately and will not be reinstated; If the student is on scholarship, the scholarship will be withdrawn immediately and will not be reinstated; If the student is a student worker, their employment will be terminated; and If the student is a student worker, their employment will be terminated; and The student’s internet access at Arkansas Tech University will be terminated for the remainder of the semester. The student’s internet access at Arkansas Tech University will be terminated for the remainder of the semester. Illegal downloading Notice
The Office of Student Services offers 4 methods for your RSO to market events and announcements Student Services Poster Route Doc’s Place Banners/Signs OneTech Announcement University Calendar Web-site On-campus marketing is limited to events that are open to the whole campus !!! To ensure maximum exposure, posters/announcements should be turned in for distributed a minimum of 5 days prior to the event. On Campus Marketing
Student Services Poster Route Submit 17 copies of the poster. Posters must include the name of the sponsoring organization & event, the purpose (if necessary), the location, date & time and contact information Upon receiving the material, the Office of Student Services will distribute these items by 3:00 pm on Monday or Thursday. Flyers/Posters should be no greater than 11 X 17 in size On Campus Marketing
Doc’s Place Banners/Signs Maximum dimensions for banners/signs are 36 x 72 inches and must be for VERTICAL display. Banners/signs must include the name of the sponsoring organization & event, the purpose (if necessary), the location, date & time and contact information. Upon receiving, the Office of Student Services will hang the banner/sign for you. On Campus Marketing
OneTech Format Available by ing Brandi Collins, University Relations On Campus Marketing
University Calendar Requests for inclusion on the University Calendar web-site must include the name of the sponsoring organization & event, the purpose (if necessary), the location, date & time and contact information. To have your event included, submit a request (or a copy of your poster) via to Cody Hill, Coordinator of Student Operations, at a minimum of 5 business days prior to the event. On Campus Marketing
Please refer to the Student Handbook for more information about the policies and procedures that all recognized student organizations must follow while on or off the campus of Arkansas Tech University Additional RSO policies
The Arkansas Tech University Spring Leadership Banquet will be held Monday, April 20 th, 2009 in the Chambers East Dining Hall. Please refer to your packet for the nominations forms for outstanding club / outstanding advisor. Awards / Leadership Banquet
The student government association will be offering a cash prize for the winner of this years homecoming theme, look for details in late spring. Student Government Homecoming 2009
DUE ON Friday, February 20, 2009