Budget Breakdown General Programme Solidarity & Management of Migration Flows European Return Fund (RF), the European Fund for the Integration of Third.


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Presentation transcript:

Budget Breakdown General Programme Solidarity & Management of Migration Flows European Return Fund (RF), the European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals (EIF) and European Refugee Fund (ERF) Co-financing rate: 75% EU Fund; 25% Beneficiary Funds Sustainable Management of Migration Flows

Sources EU Eligibility Rules Version 4 Chapter 6 of the Manual of Procedures Annex 11 on the Eligibility of Expenditure C(2011) 1290 final

Budget Breakdown A. Staff Costs B. Travel and Subsistence C. Equipment D. Real Estate E. Consumables, Supplies and General Services F. Subcontracting G. Costs deriving directly from requirements linked to EU co-financing H. Expert Fees I. Indirect Costs J. Specific Expenses in relation to target groups

A. Staff Costs Persons eligible are those having a key role in the project such as project administrators. They have to be on the payroll of the organisation. If recruited within the organisation prior to the start of the project, a letter of assignment to the specific functions of the project is to be attached to their employment contract. If they are recruited for the project and for a definite period of time till the duration of the project, the call for employment, selection process, letters of refusal and acceptance should be present. One needs to ensure a fair and transparent recruitment process. Functions, number of staff and names have to be indicated.

A. Staff Costs They can be working on the project either on a full-time or a part-time basis, in both cases their functions in relation to the project needs to be stipulated in either the employment contract or upon the letter of assignment. Costs claimed require to be supported by reports and timesheets. Staff costs comprise of actual salaries, social security charges and other statutory costs (e.g. bonus) As for international organisations costs may include provisions to cover statutory obligations and entitlements relating to remuneration. Refer to p. 37 of the MoP and p. 37 of the Eligibility Rules

F. Subcontracting As a general rule, final beneficiaries must have the capacity to manage the project themselves. Eligible costs under subcontracting are for works or services carried out by a third party who delivers specific works or services that cannot be carried out by the beneficiary (e.g. developing a website for the project, printing services). It is important that a signed agreement between the two parties is drawn up. Refer to p. 58 of the Eligibility Rules

H. Expert Fees As a general principle, costs reported under expert fees should relate to non recurrent and specific tasks incurred for legal and mandatory or high value added expertise (e.g. technical and financial expert fees). Refer to p. 38 of the MoP and p. 63 of the Eligibility Rules

Workshop Please tick the items which fall under Staff Costs, Subcontracting and Expert Fees A. Staff Costs  Social worker employed with the beneficiary  Service contract for a psychologist  Architect’s Fees F. Subcontracting  Printing of manuals  Recruitment of a cultural mediator  Conference venue and catering H. Expert Fees  Architect’s fees  Service contract of a social worker  Service contract of an interpreter

THANK YOU General Programme Solidarity & Management of Migration Flows European Return Fund (RF), the European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals (EIF) and European Refugee Fund (ERF) Co-financing rate: 75% EU Fund; 25% Beneficiary Funds Sustainable Management of Migration Flows

Workshop Please tick the items which fall under Staff Costs, Subcontracting and Expert Fees A. Staff Costs x Social worker employed with the beneficiary  Service contract for a psychologist  Architect’s Fees F. Subcontracting x Printing of manuals  Recruitment of a cultural mediator x Conference venue and catering H. Expert Fees x Architect’s fees  Service contract of a social worker  Service contract of an interpreter