A Whole College Approach to Equality & Diversity Highbury College A Whole College Approach to Equality & Diversity Deborah See, Executive Director Collegiate College (Curriculum, Quality & Students) Outstanding Showcase 4 November 2011
Equality & Student Success Inclusivity & Attainment Student Experience Impact Measures Identifying, Monitoring & Meeting Needs Quality Assurance Equality & Diversity Behaviour & attitudes Every Student Matters
Equality &
Our Approach Underpins our 2020 Vision and our Mission -Serving our diverse stakeholder communities with pride and passion (Vision) -Enable all our students to succeed (Mission) A core value - Championing equality and diversity
Our Approach Equality & diversity embedded in all aspects of College life Responsibility lies with all staff Executive Director Collegiate College Strategic Lead ( College Leadership Team) Equality & Diversity Committee (reports to Academic Board) responsible for identifying key issues, monitoring progress and taking action
Equality & Diversity Framework Single Equality Scheme (SES)– reviewed annually through consultation with all stakeholders Equality and Race Equalities Policies Equality and Diversity Strategy – three year strategy underpinning the achievement of the Strategic Plan and the SES Annual Equality & Diversity Operational Targets –focus on delivering the Strategy and SES Impact assessments undertaken of all policies, procedures, plans and practices Impact assessment of key decisions is a standing agenda item for all Committee meetings
Overarching Beacon Indicators ED1- Provide high quality training and education opportunities for everyone ED2 -High success rates for and exceptional progress by all students ED3 - Equality and diversity are actively promoted within all College activities ED4 - The College is proactive in sharing good practice and supporting employers and other external bodies to enhance equality and diversity practice ED5 - The College rigorously assesses the impact of its work and takes appropriate action in response to its findings ED6 - More proportionate representation of equalities groups in the staffing profile ED7- An organisational culture of fairness, respect and mutual understanding that values the contributions of individuals and groups ED8 - Policies, procedures, plans and practices effectively increase inclusion, promote equality and tackle discrimination
Example of Targeted Outcomes (ED1) Success rates for all equalities groups to be at least at 93% (90 th percentile) Success rates for the comparative indicators of age, disability, ethnicity and gender are monitored at Department Level and any underperformance addressed 1 % gap between male and female success rates eliminated Gaps between male and female attendance rates and students aged and 19+ reduced by 2%
Examples of What We Monitor Students Recruitment Attendance Success rates Added value Progression Support Student Voice Complaints Incidents of bullying & harassment Disciplinary action & outcomes Staff Recruitment Sickness Turnover Redundancy Staff Voice Grievances Observation grades Training & Development Incidents of bullying & harassment Disciplinary action & outcomes
Strategies Arising from Monitoring Success Curriculum offer, design and delivery Personalised timetables Targeted support groups Health & Well Being groups Back on Track Support to Achieve Social Enterprise Review Panels Mediation
Measuring Impact – Student Success Success measured overall, by level and other key data, including for example: -Equalities groups -Disadvantaged groups groups (LACs, young offenders, pregnant young women etc) -In receipt of ALS -On the Support to Achieve Programme -Attendance patterns -Type and level of programme -Postcode -School and much more!
Measuring Impact – Student Success Other measures for success used include: -Value added -Distance travelled (diagnostic assessment) -Progression -Competitions -Service and contribution Use of success data at individual, team and departmental level to inform targets, quality review, self assessment and improvement planning
Impact and Outcomes