Diversity in Schools Erin Brown
How important is cultural diversity? Attending a school with a diverse student body can help prepare your child for citizenship in a multicultural democracy. Students who attend schools with a diverse population can develop an understanding of the perspectives of children from different backgrounds and learn to function in a multicultural, multiethnic environment. Although, as public schools become more diverse, demands increase to find the most effective ways to help all students succeed academically as well as learn to get along with each other. Teachers are faced with the challenge of making instruction "culturally responsive" for all students while not favoring one group over another.
Summary With a growing population, non-Hispanic whites will soon make up 40% of the U.S. population. Schools will be affected tremendously by this, and it is inevitable that students will need to learn how to interact in a cultural environment in and outside of the classroom. The main issue is finding a way to teach each child according to their needs while keeping an orderly classroom.
Reflection I believe the most difficult part of teaching, from writing lesson plans to executing them, is the fact that we have to appeal to each child’s cultural needs. This is a challenge that can not always be met. It is extremely difficult to make a culturally responsive lesson without favoring one child over another. I also believe that it is extremely important to prepare children for the real world by introducing them to different cultures and letting them interact. Not only will the deal with this in school but it will carry over with them into the workplace as adults.
References http://www.greatschools.org/find-a-school/defining-your-ideal/284-cultural-diversity-at-school.gs Google.com