Developing our Strategic Plan Mission, roles and agendas
About the Commission Regulator Equality Act 2006 equality, human rights & good relations race, gender, disability, age, religion or belief, sexual orientation & transgender status marriage & civil partnership; pregnancy & maternity National Human Rights Institution Paris Principles A status at the United Nations UN Conventions National Equality Body European Union Equality Directives
About the Commission: our duties Equality, Human Rights & Good Relations Understand Respect Promote Protect Equality Act Human Rights Act
About the Commission: Our powers assisting those taking equality cases taking equality or human rights cases on behalf of individuals intervening in equality or human rights litigation conducting inquiries, investigations or assessments regulating the public sector equality duty providing education and training producing statutory codes of practice
Developing our Strategic Plan review online consultation – July 2011 review of evidence base & scenario planning consultation online consultation – Oct-Dec 2011 focus groups & stakeholder engagement draft plan develop strategic priorities, objectives & deliverables engagement with government & partners online consultation Feb 2012 final plan laid before Parliament before Easter recess launch publicly in April
Our context: the scale of change economic landscape political landscape & increased devolution localism & big society Equality Act 2010 reform of EHRC media narrative culture & technology
Our proposition: catalyst for change & improvement first place everyone turns to for evidence and analysis working with others to achieve more by our collective efforts helping all sectors understand what should and could be achieved public and private sector achieve better results outcomes- focused regulator principal promoter of best practice & effective standards Most authoritative centre of intelligence & innovation trusted national & international partner
Catalyst for change and improvement adviser to governments & parliaments interpret the law legal powers outcomes-focused regulator collaborative regulation benchmarking & performance- ranking good practice & guidance principal promoter of good practice & effective standards research, inquiries, measurement frameworks analysis and reporting evaluation most authoritative centre of intelligence & innovation public education stakeholder engagement international work trusted & inclusive partner & educator
Our proposed agendas fairness, prosperity and employment. Economic Agenda access, equity and value. Public Service Agenda identity, conflict and empowerment. Respect & Dignity Agenda
Our draft strategic priorities & objectives SO1:evaluate the framework and promote measures to ensure its effective implementation SO2: reform the Commission & build an authoritative & exemplar public service organisation Legislative Agenda SP1: protect and promote an effective legislative and regulatory framework SO3: understand the impact of the downturn on different groups & their equality of opportunity to play a part in strengthening Britains economy SO4: support & encourage employers to build fair & inclusive workplaces that enable individuals to realise their talents to the full. Economic Agenda SP2: promote equality of opportunity in the economic recovery SO5: support & ensure social care providers to promote the autonomy, choice & control of carers & those receiving care; & ensure their dignity is protected SO6: support & encourage other regulators & inspectorates to ensure public authorities protect the safety & security of individuals in the care or custody of the state Public Services Agenda SP3: protect individuals rights to autonomy & dignity in public service delivery SO7: ensure public bodies foster respect between different groups, prevent identity-based bullying, harassment & violence; & ensure they take robust action when it occurs SO8: ensure crime & counter-terrorism measures do not have a discriminatory effect on particular groups, or negatively impact their human rights or good relations. Dignity & Respect Agenda SP4: Promote tolerance and respect in our communities
Our priority partners Governments Parliaments SHRC, NIHRC, NIEC NGOs and Civil Society Legislative Agenda SP1: protect and promote an effective legislative and regulatory framework DWP, BIS, GEO, & CLG Employers Ofsted, Ofqual, ECU, FRC, FSA, GLA & CIPD Child Poverty & Social Mobility Commission Economic Agenda SP2: promote equality of opportunity in the economic recovery DoH & devolved administrations ODI CQC, PHSO, LGO & Monitor Public Services Agenda SP3: protect individuals rights to autonomy & dignity in public service delivery DoE and CLG Ofsted, Childrens Commissioners ODI, HO, MoJ and AG IUKBA, HMIP and IPCC Dignity & Respect Agenda SP4: Promote tolerance and respect in our communities
Operationalising our Strategic Plan refine roles – functions & ways of working agendas – priorities & objectives plan priorities & objectives - deliverables deliverables – staff & KPIs comms partnerships marketing & impact