The 4 th National Roundtable on Sustainable agriculture & Climate change The National Council for Climate change, Sustainable development & Public Leadership & South Asian Forum for Environment Supported by ECPFO ISPL IDPS Times Foundation SFVOC Vigyan Prasar Legal Options Earth Day Netwrok International UNEP Eco Peace Leadership Foundation
The Logical Framework What are the “limiting factors” that determine resilience of biotic and abiotic systems with respect to climate change? Do stakeholders know enough about the climate correlates & indicators of change? What are the thrust areas on which capacity building of communities for focused leadership is needed? How do we up scale local successful initiatives & document information relevant for decision making: NATCOM; 12 th 5 – year plan; SAPCC Questions
The Four important thrust areas for this round table Agriculture Inland fisheries Mangroves Wetlands Sector specific aspects Cross cutting implications
Road map for the Activities of the National Council Work should add value – Driven by science – Forecasts – No re – inventing the wheel Strong network – Known for providing solutions – Connected with communities to mainstream local wisdom Reality checks Direct relevance to India No- bandwagon approach Guiding Principles Activities & Sub activities Milestones Deliverables
Milestone 1 National level thrust area – specifc TEAPs and TOCs Roundtables with experts 3 working papers 2 or 3 national level inputs 1 major international event Registered with national and international networks / forums
Milestone 2 1 – 2 real life pilots NCCSD as a knowledge partner with a few national & international agencies 27 network leads for community leadership empowerment Agriculture for mitigation and integrated adaptation mainstreamed at the local level 2015
Milestone 3 Contributed to Plans & policies at the National & State levels Larger number of projects across India 2020