Thesis Contribution Marilyn Edmond Senior Consultant
Thesis Contribution 04/09/132 Student Submissions Theses and final year projects
Thesis Contribution 04/09/133 Pearson recently undertook 2 assignments Build a theses contribution and marking environment for UNSW Canberra Build a final year engineering project documents submission and marking environment for RMIT
Thesis Contribution 04/09/134 UNSW Canberra Thesis submission and marking: Currently a complex and time consuming process Relies heavily on a complex paper trail Process involves: UNSW Canberra academic supervisors, Internal academic markers (i.e. UNSW staff), External academic or industry expert markers (recognised experts in the thesis’s subject area), UNSW’s student administration staff
Thesis Contribution 04/09/135 UNSW Canberra Outcomes: Awarding of a degree to the student, or Resubmission and remarking of the thesis after amendment by the student, or Student fails the degree Final accepted version of the thesis is stored in electronic form and may be made available to UNSW staff and students
Thesis Contribution 04/09/136 UNSW Canberra UNSW Canberra wants to replicate the manual process with an electronic submission and marking environment Key requirements are: Once a thesis is submitted students cannot change it. If reworking is required, a new version must be uploaded by the student Marks must be kept confidential, and can only be seen by the marker and student admin staff Marker feedback must be stored in conjunction with each thesis and must be confidential to the marker and student admin staff The outcome must be stored with the thesis (e.g. degree awarded, minor rewrite required, major rewrite required, fail)
Thesis Contribution 04/09/137 UNSW Canberra Pearson was approached to see whether EQUELLA could be used to manage thesis submission and marking. A brief meeting was held with UNSW Canberra student admin staff to discuss requirements. As a result, it was decided EQUELLA would deliver solutions for thesis management.
Thesis Contribution 04/09/138 UNSW Canberra Funding was sought and granted. A workshop was held to examine the current manual process and to define and document requirements The University provided detailed documents of the current process, and requirements for a new electronic process These formed the basis for developing project documents, including a specification for collections and workflows to manage thesis submission, assessment and marking The project was divided into three stages -Development of basic functionality -Refinements and advanced functionality -Reporting requirements
Thesis Contribution 04/09/139 UNSW Canberra A pilot environment was developed. It was made available on a UNSW Canberra test EQUELLA for UAT and feedback A second workshop was held to identify points of refinement Additional funding was sought A new statement of work was drafted Work on stage 2 is to commence shortly
Thesis Contribution 04/09/1310 Initial screen for student submission
Thesis Contribution 04/09/1311 Student survey: page 1 of 4
Thesis Contribution 04/09/1312 Thesis upload and submission
Thesis Contribution 04/09/1313 Examiner response for reporting
Thesis Contribution 04/09/1314 Demonstration
Thesis Contribution 04/09/1315 RMIT University RMIT SAMME final year project submission: RMIT has traditionally managed Engineering final year projects using spreadsheets The faculty wanted to move to an online environment for submission and marking Pearson was approached to develop an environment which would support these goals
Thesis Contribution 04/09/1316 RMIT University A number of conference calls were held with SAMME academics to specify requirements. Documents and spreadsheets were exchanged and a final statement of work was produced. Requirements: Students need to upload a sequence of documents all relating to their research topic including the initial proposal, a conference poster, and a journal paper Cut-off dates for each type must prevent students uploading or modifying their documents after the date
Thesis Contribution 04/09/1317 RMIT University Supervisors and examiners are assigned via the contribution wizard. Workflow ensures that at each stage notifications go to the appropriate supervisor or examiner Marks are uploaded by supervisors/examiners and are stored for each requirement which a project must meet Marks must be kept confidential Supervisors and examiners can be either internal RMIT staff, or external industry partners
Thesis Contribution 04/09/1318 RMIT University UAT took place in June-July and SAMME project submissions is currently being trialled by a group of approximately 40 students.
Thesis Contribution 04/09/1319 Initial contribution page
Thesis Contribution 04/09/1320 Submission uploads
Thesis Contribution 04/09/1321 SAMME examiner marks collection
Thesis Contribution 04/09/1322 Demonstration
Thesis Contribution 04/09/1323 QUESTIONS?