Informative/Explanatory Writing A Writing Standard
Writing Informative/Explanatory Text requires the writer to identify and understand the topic- Do I know exactly what the assignment is and what I am expected to do? develop a thesis- Which statement can I craft that clearly expresses the central focus of my written response? select and analyze relevant content- Which textual information would more effectively support my thesis?
Writing Informative/Explanatory Text requires the writer to convey ideas clearly and precisely- Can the reader follow my connections between the text and my thesis? Are my supporting points clear? determine the best organizational structure- Which organizational structure would be the most effective for developing of my thesis?
Examples of Organizational Structure Cause/ Effect Problem/ Solution Definition Classification Chronological Compare/Contrast Compare Contrast
When responding to a task, look for language in the assignment that suggest or identify an organizational structure.
The Lowman family represents the early concept of the “traditional family.” Both “natural” parents and their children live together in the same home. Compare and contrast the mother-son and father-son relationships.
Moving Towards Independence... The Loman family represents the early concept of the “traditional family.” Both “natural” parents and their children live together in the same home. Analyze the family dynamics. High school students must learn to self-select the most effective organizational structure for the assignment.
Informative/Explanatory Writer: The Real Detective Understands the task and develops a clear and precise thesis which identifies the writer’s central purpose. Critically reads the text and makes thoughtful decisions when selecting textual evidence/detail to support the thesis. Examines the effectiveness of connections between selected textual information and the thesis. Organizes the information in a structure that ensures the reader can effectively follow the writer’s development of ideas.
The Informative/Explanatory writer provides a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information or explanation presented. does more than restate or summarize.