Career Day It’s Career Day at school and we have many Visitors that will be joining us. We have 24 chairs that must be set up so that we can listen and enjoy each speaker present their career. Task: Set up the chairs into rows with an equal Number of chairs in each row. Use square tiles to represent the chairs. Make as many arrays as you can to show the different ways we could set up the 24 chairs into equal rows. Work Space
Culminating Questions 1.Write a multiplication sentence that matches Each array that you have made. _____________________________________ 2.Did you notice similarities between any of the arrays or multiplication sentences that you Wrote? If so, what did you notice? _____________________________________ 3.Out of the arrays and ways that you chose to Set up the chairs, which way do you think will Be most effective for everyone to enjoy and See the speaker? Defend your answer. _____________________________________
Answer Document Possible answers for the set up of the chairs into the rows or arrays 1 row of 24 XXXXXXXXXXXX 24 rows of 1 X X X X X X X X X X X X 3 rows of 8 XXXXXXXX 2 rows of 12 XXXXXXXXXXXX 12 rows of 2 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 8 rows of 3 XXX XXX XXX XXX 4 rows of 6 XXXXXX XXXXXX 6 rows of 4 XXXX XXXX XXXX
Answer Document 1.1 x 24=24; 24 x 1=24; 2 x 12=24; 12 x 2=24; 3 x 8=24; 8 x 3=24; 4 x 6=24; 6 x 4=24 2.I did notice similarities between my different arrays. I noticed that 3 rows of 8 is the same as 8 rows of 3. This shows the commutative property of multiplication. These problems have the same numbers as factors; they are just switched around. 3.ANSWERS MAY VARY I feel that 4 rows of 6 would give you the best set up to watch the career speakers. This way there are only 4 rows, so no one would have to set too far back. There would only be 6 in each row, so no one would be too far to the side of the speaker.