CCSR Lightning Seminars 26 th April 2005 What were doing, want to do, or have done


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Presentation transcript:

CCSR Lightning Seminars 26 th April 2005 What were doing, want to do, or have done

Sam Smith CCSR and Friends

Ludi Simpson My family are not at home – Living apart together

Two concepts of family –Familia de origen o familia propia? Parents/siblings or children/spouse? –Who do you consider the most important members of your family? List three in order of importance. Family policy assumes nuclear family in a household –But sharing resources may be nuclear, extended, dispersed –Household Surveys do not measure the family as we know it Questions to include a large-scale survey / census –Which members of your family do you help / do you care for / support financially? –For each: are they resident with you, and What do you receive in return? –Which of your parents / siblings / children / partner are alive and where do they live?

Mark Elliot Attitudes to relationships amongst the age group

Models of Relationships Anthony Giddens: Pure Relationship Narcissistic Model Exchange Theory/Investment Model Interpersonal Model Traditional Model Feminist Model Romantic Model

Albert Sabater Problems when comparing ethnic group populations for small areas across time

David Voas Religion and deprivation in England

Proportion of religious group living in worst x% of areas

Kingsley Purdam Commission for Equality & Human Rights Research and E-Social Science

K. Purdam SELECTED PROJECTS Commission for Equality and Human Rights (DTI) A review of the statistics on equality in the UK Age, Gender, Disability, Ethnicity, Sexual Orientation – Multiple disadvantage By 2040 it is estimated that nearly a third of the population will be over 60 E-Science and E-Social Science (ESRC, MRC) Confidential data access Technology – desk top seamless access to multiple datasets Medical research 65,000 academic papers on cancer in 2004 and 4,000 clinical trials Data Monitoring Service (ONS) Measuring the growth in the collection of individual data Inform privacy debates and statistical disclosure methods Links All separate projects, but links? Data availability, data access, evidence base for policy makers

Paul Norman Trends in 1) health, 2) deprivation, 3) population change and inter-relationships between 1,2 & 3

1: Health Cultural differences in self-reported health, SARs Incapacity benefit claims Mortality trends late 1970s to recent 2: Deprivation Carstairs & Townsend Indexes: trends 1971 – 2001 Regeneration, gentrification, industry closure, changes in tenure? 3: Population change Micro-geography of demographic change 1991 – 2001 Re-visit EwC. Harmonised attributes & geography Components of change, change in social indicators 1, 2 & 3: Inter-relationships between health, deprivation & migration + social mobility ONS Longitudinal Study England & Wales 1971 – 2001 Area differences in health: accumulations Health outcomes for individuals: life history

Dave Cutts Liberal Democrat electoral support and strategy at the 2005 election

Angela Dale Ethnic differences in womens employment by life-stage and qualifications

Percentage of women economically active, 19-34, single, no children,

Percentage of women economically active, 19-34, married, no children,

Percentage of women economically active, married, children under 5,

Percentage of women unemployed (base: economically active, 19-60),

Karen Mccullagh What is private data?