1DTU Aqua, Technical University of Denmark National Institute of Aquatic Resources (DTU Aqua)
2DTU Aqua, Technical University of Denmark DTU Aqua DTU Aqua – National Institute of Aquatic Resources, the former Danish Institute for Fisheries Research is an institute at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). The institute provides research, public sector consultancy, education, industrial collaboration, and communication in the field of sustainable exploitation of living marine and freshwater resources and ecosystems. The Institute undertakes advisory tasks for the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and other public authorities, the commercial fisheries, the aquaculture industry and international commissions.
3DTU Aqua, Technical University of Denmark DTU Aqua deals with all links in the production chain from water to dining table, including: the connection between the production of living resources and the aquatic environments, climate as well as ecosystem structure and function. advising on commercial and recreational use of living resources in fishing and in aquaculture. processing and improving fish products into healthy foods.
4DTU Aqua, Technical University of Denmark Hirtshals Silkeborg Aquaculture Fisheries technology Marine Monitoring Research vessels R ecreational fisheries Freshwater ecology Population genetics Marine research Fisheries research Seafood and fish processing Administration DTU – and DTU Aqua – a national university with several locations in Denmark
5DTU Aqua, Technical University of Denmark
6 The Institute The institute has 330 employees, of which around a third is scientific staff. In 2008 the institute had a budget of about 245 mill. DKK. About 80 mill. came from the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, 30 mill. DKK from DTU and 135 mill. DKK came from external sources, i.e. national and international research programs as well as fish and fisheries monitoring programs.
7DTU Aqua, Technical University of Denmark Vice-director Infrastructure Education Vice-director Administrative functions Advisory Function IT, technique and innovation Institute director Education secretariat National Institute for Aquatic Resources Research secretariat Seafood and fish processing Microbiology and seafood hygiene Aquatic lipids and oxidation Aquatic protein biochemistry Aquatic process and product technology Aquaculture and shellfish Aquaculture Shellfish Fish deseases Organisationsdiagram Secretariat of management and communication Ships Advisory tasks Monitoring and datacenter Institute services Institute administration Research Marine research and fisheries Oceanography Population and ecosystem dynamics Coastal ecology Fisheries and monitoring technology Management systems Recreational fisheries and population genetics Inland Fisheries Population Genetics Large experimental fascilities
8DTU Aqua, Technical University of Denmark DTU Aqua’s Mission DTU Aqua conducts research and education and provides advice within following main scientific areas: Sustainable exploitation of living aquatic resources Structure and function of marine ecosystems Aquaculture, rearing methods and environmental effects Fish health and fish welfare Health and food safety Enhanced utilization of raw materials Quality assurance systems and traceability Fish release and restoration of habitats
9DTU Aqua, Technical University of Denmark DTU Aqua’s Vision Conduct useful research - for the environment, fisheries, trade, consumers and society in general. The vision is fulfilled through: ● Research of high international standard ● Relevant and applicable advice and services to public authorities ● Teaching on undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate level ● Communication ● Industrial collaboration/Innovation
10DTU Aqua, Technical University of Denmark The Research Vessel DANA DANA is a multi-purpose vessel. DANA was built in in Aarhus, especially for marine research purposes. DANA is 78,5 m long and has a tonnage of 2545 t. DANA is on expedition ca. 150 days a year for DTU Aqua.
11DTU Aqua, Technical University of Denmark DTU Aqua’s small research vessels Havfisken Havkatten HavmusenHavtasken
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