HUD Consolidated Plan Cuyahoga County Planning Commission Cuyahoga Urban County September 16, 2009
’s Housing Assistance Plan Planning Documents HUD Housing Programs and Planning Documents Establishment of Programs Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy Five-Year Consolidated Plan Emergency Shelter Grant Program HOME Investment Partnerships Program Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Cuyahoga Housing Consortium created Neighborhood Stabilization Program American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
HUD Consolidated Plan FY 2010 – FY 2014 Five-Year Plan (prepared once every five years) – A planning document to: Describe the housing needs of low- and moderate-income residents; Outline strategies to meet the needs; and Discuss resources available to implement the strategies. One-Year Plan (prepared every year) Description of how the available HUD funds, plus non- federal funds, will be used during the next twelve-month period for programs identified in the Five-Year Plan.
HUD Consolidated Plan FY 2010 – FY 2014 Components – Five-Year Plan – Examine existing and emerging demographic and housing trends; – Develop local priority needs and objectives for housing-related programs based on the trends; – Develop a plan for assessing yearly performance; and – Consult with private, nonprofit, and public agencies/organizations to better understand the needs of specific populations and the programs currently being provided.
HUD Consolidated Plan FY 2010 – FY 2014 Content – Five-Year Plan – Community Profile Characteristics of the general population; Characteristics of the housing stock and housing market; Affordable housing needs of low- and moderate- income persons and families; Needs of homeless persons; and Needs of non-homeless persons with special needs who require supportive services.
Cuyahoga Housing Consortium
1990 – 2000 By Community 1990 – 2000 By Census Tract Percent Population Change, 1990 – 2000 Source: U.S. Census
Urban County4.2%-6.2% Cleveland-5.4%-9.3% Cuyahoga County-1.3%-7.9% Urban County Population (based on 2009 community roster) , , (estimate)586, – 2007 American Community Survey (approximation) 651,044 Source: U.S. Census Percent Population Change
Source: U.S. Census, 2005 – 2007 ACS Age Composition 17 Years or Under18 to 39 Years40 to 64 Years65 years and over NumberPercentNumberPercentNumberPercentNumberPercent Urban County*150, %152, %237, %110, % Cleveland105, %118, %131, %49, % Cuyahoga County314, %344, %453, %198, % *approximation
Percent Minority Composition by Census Tract Source: U.S. Census
American Community Survey Urban County 11.4%16.7%14.5%* Cleveland 52.2% 61.2% 64.2% Cuyahoga County 28.4% 34.1% 36.2% Percent Minority Composition *approximation
Median Household Income by Census Tract * Source: U.S. Census *Adjusted to 1999 dollars
Source: U.S. Census American Community Survey Urban County*$38,856$51,636Not available Cleveland$17,821$25,928$27,007 Cuyahoga County$28,595$39,168$43,162 Not adjusted to current dollars. Median Household Income *approximation
“120% of Area Median Income” in 2008 = $67,050 for a family of three persons.
Percent Persons Below Poverty Level by Census Tract Source: U.S. Census One adult under age 65 = $8,867 One adult under age 65 = $6,451
Source: U.S. Census American Community Survey Urban County3.8%4.6%7.6%* Cleveland28.7%26.3%29.7% Cuyahoga County13.8%13.1%15.7% Percent Persons Below Poverty Level *approximation
Source: Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, Ohio Labor Market Information October 2008 June 2009 July 2009 Percent Increase Oct – July 2009 Urban County*5.7%9.2%8.6%50.9% Cuyahoga County6.5%10.2%9.5%46.2% Ohio6.6%11.2%11.1%68.2% Unemployment Rate *approximation
1939 or Earlier 1940 – 1969 Percent Residential Housing Unit Period of Construction by Census Tract Source: U.S. Census
Percent Renter-Occupied Housing Units by Census Tract Source: U.S. Census
Source: U.S. Census, 2005 – 2007 ACS Tenure by Units in Structure Total Occupied Housing Units 1 Unit in Structure (Detached and Attached) 2 Units in Structure 3 to 9 Units in Structure Units in Structure 50 or more Units in Structure Total Percent Owner- OccupiedTotal Percent Owner- Occupied Total Percent Owner- Occupied Total Percent Owner- Occupied Total Percent Owner- Occupied Urban County*264,074201, %5, %13, %21, %20, % Cleveland168,55793, %33, %17,2997.1%11,1292.8%12,9134.7% Cuyahoga County542,856363, %47, %39, %42,7689.1%46,3998.8% *approximation
Source: NEOCANDO Change AmountPercent Urban County* $147,500$152,250$159,900$166,500$168,000$175,000$172,000$151,000$3,5002.4% Cleveland $62,000$66,500$70,000$74,900$76,000$72,500$62,046$40,000-$22, % Cuyahoga County $105,000$109,900$114,000$120,750$121,000$118,500$114,000$90,000-$15, % Median Sales Price of Single-Family Homes *approximation
“High-Cost” defined as an interest rate 3% or more above prime rate. Prime rate in = 4.0% %.
(through Sept 4) Number Percent of Total Number Percent of Total Number Percent of Total Number Percent of Total Urban County3, %4, %4, %3, % Cleveland 7, %7, %7, %4, % Cuyahoga County13, %14, %14, %9, % Foreclosure Filings Source: NEOCANDO Foreclosure Filings
(Through Sept 4) Number Percent of Total Number Percent of Total Number Percent of Total Number Percent of Total Urban County3, %4, %4, %3, % Cleveland 7, %7, %7, %4, % Cuyahoga County13, %14, %14, %9, % Foreclosure Filings Source: NEOCANDO Foreclosure Filings Number As % of Foreclosure Filings Number As % of Foreclosure Filings Number As % of Foreclosure Filings Urban County1, %2, %2, % Cleveland 3, %5, %4, % Cuyahoga County 5, %10, %8, % Sheriff Deeds
Total Foreclosure Filings Residential Foreclosure Filings Residential Foreclosure Filings with 2.5% Tax Reduction Residential Foreclosure Filings with Homestead Tax Reduction Number Percent of Total Number Percent of Total Number Percent of Total Urban County3,1953, %2, %2226.9% Cleveland4,0513, %2, %1754.3% Cuyahoga County9,3538, %6, %5005.3% Source: NEOCANDO Foreclosure Filings 2009 (through Sept 4) For elderly or disabled homeowners, exempts $25,000 of the market value of a home from property taxes. Available only to owner-occupants.
HUD Consolidated Plan Cuyahoga County Planning Commission Cuyahoga Urban County September 16, 2009