objective Establish campus bike share program Bike share program takes advantage of Easy Streets Limit vehicular traffic and make campus more cycle friendly
purpose Program’s goal is to share bikes amongst a community or a group of people Used instead of bike rentals mostly for groups that couldn’t afford a rental system or to promote a more environmentally friendly transportation To date, there is no self sustaining bike share program. Most rely on government funding and charitable donations Most programs have been successful with a check- out system that holds user accountable for damage
History The first program started in Amsterdam in the 1960s called the, White Bicycle Program. The program failed because it did not’t have a method of accountability Most bike share programs were in Europe and the first American program was in Portland in the nineties
precedents Georgia Tech has the ViaCycle Program Utilizes an iPhone app, GPS tracking, as well as an intricate locking system Ole Miss has started the Rebel Pedals Program and its being phased in They pay a semester fee of $15 with a smartcard check-in system Can be checked out for long-term use ULL Lafayette has planned a program that is in the final stages and ready for release in Fall 2012 RuggedCycle bikes are very tough bikes that can handle abuse on all parts of the bike There are no chains on the bikes, making the maintenance easier than conventional bikes
strategies Find potential bike companies interested in doing LSU bike share Evaluate interest in the program Surveys Facebook, , Paper Compare other bike share programs Major Cities & Universities ULL, Ole Miss, Mississippi State, Ga. Tech, and etc. Configure station locations and amount of bikes needed Fee System Pay as you go Student fees UREC
potential development Add bike corrals to further commuter lots and to spike interest in bike riding Hayfield Lots Vet School Old Alex Box Expand bike share lanes on through streets on campus Figure the amount of bikes needed for specific locations Figure out check-out and check-in system and penalties for late turn in and damages Devise schedule for rental hours Bike share only for university related people or involve the community as well Semester Fees or pay as you go? Factor in costs of maintenance and staff Add corrals to key spots around campus Northgate area Union Business School
progress Already a bike rental system at the UREC Easy Streets II should be implemented soon and the interest in bikers has increased Interest amongst students is growing Office of Transportation has been working on developing a program Many SEC schools have similar systems, so program seems more attainable Joey Schulz has shown interest in developing a pilot study at LSU
Costs Cheaper to have the system run all electronically Pilot study of 50 bikes would give a good idea of interests and the amount of bikes needed Many grant options available and student fees can be used as well Possibly use recycled bikes for bike share program Bike Auction RuggedCycles cost about $1,200 per bike Expensive at first, but costs over time are minimal with low maintenance care
Geaux Share