IL PHA EFFICIENT LIVING ENERGY PROGRAM GUIDELINES University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign DCEO Northern Illinois Trade Ally Rally | July 24, 2014
2 INTRODUCTION: WHO ARE WE? Illinois Energy Now | | Program Manager: UIUC School of Architecture Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity: Illinois Energy Office
INTRODUCTION: PROGRAM AUTHORIZATION 3 Illinois Energy Now | | Energy Efficiency Section of the Public Utilities Act DCEO is authorized by Energy Efficiency Section of the Public Utilities Act (220 ILCS 5/12-103) to administer a portion of the Illinois Energy Efficiency Portfolio (EEP). annual energy savings goals EEP funding is provided to meet incremental state annual energy savings goals. local governments schoolscollegeslow- income households A percentage of the portfolio is procured for local governments, schools, colleges, and low- income households proportionate to their share of annual utility revenues.
4 Illinois Energy Now | | EFFICIENT LIVING: PUBLIC HOUSING PROGRAM FOR ELIGIBLE PHA S GOALS Achieve Electric and Natural Gas savings in public housing Provide Grants for Energy Efficiency Upgrades Savings in Energy Costs and Consumption
INTRODUCTION: PROGRAM OVERVIEW 5 Illinois Energy Now | | June 1 to May 31 Grants years run from June 1 to May 31 of the following year. May 31, 2015 All ECRMs should be purchased and installed by May 31, for-1 ECRMs are 1-for-1 replacement. 5 years The PHA agrees to own and operate ECRMs for at least 5 years. Grants go directly to PHA.
INTRODUCTION: PROGRAM OVERVIEW 6 Illinois Energy Now | | 50% 50% Grants to PHAs: 50% upfront; 50% on final invoice required Project inventory and plans are required. approved All ECRMS based on approved specifications must be purchased. Any change in specifications or ECRMS without approval could result in a request to return funds.
NEW ILPHA WEBSITE 8 Illinois Energy Now | |
APPLICATION & REPORTING PROCESS 9 Illinois Energy Now | | PROGRAM FLOW Assess & prepare measure inventory housing specialist may assist as needed Application submitted online Award amounts determined Receive Pre Award Letter Acquire contractor bids and quotes for services; submit for approval Install measures Become more energy efficient!
CONCLUSIONS 10 Illinois Energy Now | | To apply for an Efficient Living Grant: Go to: Click on “Application”.
If you have any questions, please contact: Kate Brown (217) CONTACT US 11
Illinois Energy Now