Julius CaesarJulius Caesar Who kills Julius Caesar? The conspiracy Portia The senators Brutus
Julius CaesarJulius Caesar Which character thinks he/ she deserves to be crowned instead of Julius Caesar? Cassius Clapurnia Portia Casca
Julius CaesarJulius Caesar Who was Brutus’ wife? Portia Scout Antigone Calpurnia
Julius CaesarJulius Caesar True or false: Calpurnia swallowed poison because she thought her husband was dead. False True
Julius CaesarJulius Caesar Who was the first to stab Julius Caesar? Casca Portia Cassius Brutus
TKAM What does Atticus Finch do for a living? Lawyer Teacher Judge Football Coach
TKAM What was Scout’s costume for the Halloween pageant A ham A tree A ghost A pumpkin
TKAM Who killed Bob Ewell Boo Radely Jem Finch Dolphius Raymond Scout Finch
TKAM Where does TKAM take place? Maycomb County, AL Nashville, TN Tallahassee, AL Mobile, AL
TKAM Who spooked Scout and Jem on there way to the Halloween pageant? Cecil Jacobs Uncle Jack Walter Cunningham Heck Tate
1984 Who wrote the novel 1984? George Orwell Harper Lee William Shakespeare Ayn Rand
1984 Who is the main character of 1984? Winston Smith O’Brien Julia Big Brother
1984 True or False: Big Brother watches people through their telescreen. True False
1984 What is the main slogan of Big Brother? “ War is peace-Freedom is slavery-Ignorance is strength” “ War is peace-Freedom is slavery-Ignorance is strength” “ Big Brother is Watching you” “ Army Strong” “ For the Love of Big Brother”
1984 What character matches the description: the mother of two horrific children belonging to the Spies and Youth League and who are bound to eventually denounce her and her husband to the Thought Police. Mrs. Parsons Katharine Julia Katie J.
Poetry Meter is an ordered pattern of rhyme True False
Poetry Free verse has no rhyme or pattern True False
Poetry A ballad is a long narrative poem with stanzas False True
Poetry Personification means to give life to an inanimate object true False
Poetry A sonnet is typically 14 lines True False
Vocabulary Which word matches the definition: giving vigor to; enlivening; filling with energy invigorating jaunt infest instigate
Vocabulary Which word best fits into the sentence? Joseph has had many _____ friends for years. Intimate Girth Larceny Inverse
Vocabulary Which word matches the definition? To frighten; to make afraid; to bully into doing or not doing something. Intimidate Inventory Infest Intervention
Vocabulary True or False: A citadel is a fortress overlooking a city. True False
Vocabulary Which word best matches the definition: very exciting or confusing Hectic Citadel Intimidate Haphazard
Grammar Which sentence has a misplaced modifier? His mother asked Charles to have his hair cut a dozen times. His mother asked Charles to have his hair cut a dozen times. Mrs. Jackson stood me up at the movies Friday night. Mrs. Jackson stood me up at the movies Friday night. Grinning happily, the prize for first place was accepted. Grinning happily, the prize for first place was accepted. The boy and his mother went to Walmart. The boy and his mother went to Walmart.
Grammar Dangling or Misplaced modifier? They planned to win before the game started. Misplaced Dangling
Grammar There ( is, are ) only a few more sandwiches left Are Is
Grammar Neither of the chairs ( was, were ) badly damaged in the fire Was Were
Grammar ( There’s, There are ) several candidates on the primary ballot There are There’s
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