Research Integrity Is it just following the regulations and avoiding misconduct?
Research Misconduct P.D. Magnus, Michael Kalichman, September 2002 Background There are some indications that research misconduct occurs only rarely. In 20 years, the federal government found an average of about 10 cases of research misconduct per year; that is, about 1 case per year for every 10,000 researchers. However, there are many barriers to accurately quantifying the extent of research misconduct; cases may go unreported and institutions may be biased against finding misconduct. The actual rate of research misconduct could be as low as 1 in 100,000 or as high as 1 in 100. (Steneck, 2000) In the past 20 years, numerous serious cases of alleged misconduct have been widely publicized. In many cases, the allegations were borne out by subsequent investigation. It is noteworthy that in these cases both whistleblowers and those accused of wrongdoing paid a price whether the allegations were ultimately sustained or not.
What does this mean? "Scientists are not a special breed of human being," says Thomas Murray, president of the Hastings Center, a bioethics institute in Garrison, N.Y. "But they function in a special environment.... They are bright people working in a community where the best ideas rise to the top. If you're not in first place, you're no place.“
Federal Mandate 42 C.F.R. Part 50--Policies of General Applicability Subpart A--Responsibility of PHS Awardee and Applicant Institutions for Dealing With and Reporting Possible Misconduct in Science
What does it Say? Institution must have misconduct policy if it accepts PHS funds Institution’s policy must meet the minimum standard outlined in federal regulations Institution must have a Research Integrity Officer who acts as the gatekeeper for this policy and serves as the interface with the federal gov’t for reporting purposes
Principles 1. The integrity of science depends on the integrity of research. Science is predicated on trust -- without confidence in the integrity of their peers, scientists would be unable to trust one another's work. The demands of ethical and responsible conduct may not always seem expedient. 2. The integrity of research depends in part on self-policing. Just as peer review operates to assure the legitimacy of published reports, self-policing operates to assure the legitimacy of research at a deeper level. This means that scientists should be familiar with definitions of research misconduct and procedures for dealing with it, regardless of whether they are actually party to allegations. Self- policing also demands that scientists attempt to communicate with one another to foster an environment in which responsible research is explicitly discussed and encouraged.
Guidelines Documentation A failure to keep good records can have serious consequences for the progress of a research project, but can be particularly devastating for someone involved in an allegation of misconduct. Rules and Procedures Although institutions receiving federal funds need to meet a common set of minimal requirements, individual institutions are granted substantial leeway in the rules and procedures for handling of allegations of misconduct. Institutional channels are preferable to public channels. Institutional channels are preferable to public channels.
University Handbook for Appointed Personnel Policy and Procedures for Investigations of Misconduct in Scholarly, Creative, and Research Activities Approved by Faculty Senate February 3, 2003 and Adopted by President Likins April 4, 2003
Key Points in UA Misconduct Policy Applies to everyone - faculty, staff, students, fellows, visitors, guests, consultants, collaborators Applies to all scholarship, research and creative endeavors conducted at UA, funded or unfunded (not just PHS funded)
Key Points in UA Misconduct Policy (continued) Misconduct is fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing or reviewing research or creative endeavors, or in reporting research results or the results of creative endeavors. It does not include honest error or differences in interpretation or judgments in evaluating research methods or results or differences in opinion.
Definitions Fabrication – Making up data or results and recording or reporting them Falsification – Manipulating research or scholarship materials, equipment, or processes, or changing or omitting data or results such that the scholarship or research is not accurately represented in the record Plagiarism – The appropriation of another person’s ideas, processes, results, or words without giving appropriate credit
Fabrication creating records of interviews of subjects that were never performed; making up progress notes for patient visits that never took place and inserting them into the medical record to support published and unpublished research reports; and preparing records for calls and follow-up contacts to subjects who had already died.
Falsification substituting one subject's record for that of another subject; falsely reporting to a data coordinating center that certain clinical trial staff, who were certified to perform the procedures on the subjects, had done so, when they had not; altering the dates and results from subjects' eligibility visits; altering the dates on patient screening logs and/or submitting the same log with altered dates on multiple occasions;
Falsification (cont) failing to update the patients' status and representing data from prior contacts as being current; altering the results of particular tests on blood samples to show that the test accurately predicted a disease or relapse; backdating follow-up interviews to fit the time window determined by the study protocol; and falsifying the times that blood samples were drawn from human subjects.
Plagiarism The theft or misappropriation of intellectual property and the substantial unattributed textual copying of another's work. It does not include authorship or credit disputes. The theft or misappropriation of intellectual property includes the unauthorized use of ideas or unique methods obtained by a privileged communication, such as a grant or manuscript review.
What Does Research Integrity Officer Do? Receives allegation(s) Conducts Pre-inquiry Notifies sponsors as appropriate Notifies respondent Notifies Chair of UCEC (faculty ethics panel) of need for Inquiry into allegation(s) Obtains and preserves evidence (paper, electronic, equipment etc.)
What Does Research Integrity Officer Do? (cont) Receives report from Inquiry Panel Initiates ad hoc Investigative Committee if appropriate Receives & transmits final investigation report to VPR & Provost Notifies parties involved of outcome
Research Integrity The UA promotes Responsible Conduct of Research by expecting all those involved in research to adhere to all university, state, federal, and other policies relating to the research or creative activity carried out under his/her direction. Sign up for the PRIE Newsletter by ing Ruth Daniels at Visit the PRIE website to view past issues
More thoughts…………. In the end, no system is infallible, ethicists note. "If you have someone determined to fabricate evidence, no screening system will catch that," says Alto Charo, a law professor at the University of Wisconsin who specializes in biomedical and research ethics. "You have to rely on the integrity of the individual."
Responsible Conduct of Research Data sharing/ownership Mentor/trainee responsibilities Publication Practices & Responsible Authorship Peer Review Collaborative Science Human Subjects Research Involving Animals Research Misconduct Conflict of Interest & Commitment
Where do I go for information/help? Dr. Cindy Rankin Research Integrity Officer Biosciences West Ruth Daniels Program Coordinator Program in Research Integrity Education Research Compliance Office 1203 North Mountain Alice Langen Director, Research Compliance Associate Director, Program in Research Integrity Education Office of the VP for Research Administration Bldg 601 Office of Research Integrity
Examples Research Assistant Engaged in Scientific Misconduct (8/17/06) Former University of Maryland at Baltimore research assistant Sylvia Okoro was found by the Office of Research Integrity to have engaged in scientific misconduct by fabricating and falsifying patient data in research supported by the National Institute on Aging. Okoro "intentionally and knowingly" fabricated and falsified information on one patient data form, and on two other study subjects she failed to note that each patient had taken a fall as was documented in their medical charts. For a three-year period, which began July 17, 2006, Okoro is prohibited from serving in any advisory capacity to the Public Health Service (PHS); in addition, if any institution applies for PHS research support that includes Okoro's involvement, a plan to insure scientific integrity must be designed and submitted to ORI. Link:
Examples (continued) Former Vermont Professor Sentenced to Prison (6/29/06) Eric Poehlman, a former University of Vermont College of Medicine (UVM) professor, drew a one-year and one day prison term yesterday for fabricating data and making false statements related to his research studies. Poehlman will be the first researcher to serve prison time as a result of falsifying data in a grant application to the National Institutes of Health. In 2000, a research assistant began to question what appeared to be the addition of falsified data to the datasets Poehlman used. UVM launched an investigation after the research assistant filed a formal complaint. The university concluded that data had been falsified and turned the results over to the Office of Research Integrity and the Department of Justice. From approximately 1992 to 2000, Poehlman was awarded NIH and Department of Agriculture grants worth $2.9 million; those grant applications, the government found, included false and fabricated research. Link:
Examples (continued) ORI Finds Student Fabricated Data (12/21/06) Nicholas McMaster, an undergraduate biology student at the University of Chicago, was found to have engaged in research misconduct in connection with grants supported by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and National Institute on Aging. McMaster was found to have fabricated data in research connected to the reproductive behavior of female rats. McMaster voluntarily agreed, for a period of three years beginning on Nov. 14, 2006, to exclude himself from serving in any advisory capacity to the Public Health Service, and he agreed to the requirement that any institution that submits an application for PHS support for a research project on which his participation is proposed or which uses him in any capacity on PHS-supported research, or that submits a report of PHS- funded research in which he is involved, must concurrently submit a plan for supervision of his duties to the funding agency for approval. Link: