S2008Final_part1.ppt CS11 Introduction to Programming Final Exam Part 1 S A computer is a mechanical or electrical device which stores, retrieves, and manipulates data at a high speed. 2.Mainframes are larger and more powerful than servers. 3.Hardware and software constitute a computer. 4.Software is the primary driver/controller of a computer. 5.The Central Processing Unit (CPU) takes data from input devices, processes the data, and places the results on output devices. 6.Syntax error is the only error a computer can make. 7.A compiler converts machine language into translator instructions. 8.ROM is where the operating system and application programs reside. 9.Internal storage is called RAM. 10.A bit is the lowest element in a computer that can hold data bits make up a byte. T F Name: ___________ UIN: ______________
S2008Final_part1.ppt CS11 Introduction to Programming Final Exam Part 1 S There are 4 bits in a nibble and 2 nibbles in a byte. 13. Application software interfaces with the user. 14. An operating system controls the functioning of an application. 15. Hardware controls the functioning of an operating system. 16. Computer programs written by programmers are converted to machine language before being executed. 17. Compilers create machine language instructions one program instruction at a time. 18. Translators create a single executable program by converting all of the program instructions at one time into machine language. 19. The two error types are syntax and logic. 20. Math may be accomplished with alphanumeric data. 21. The following is alphanumeric data: “34269” 22. This is valid: variablename = variablename * 24 T F
S2008Final_part1.ppt CS11 Introduction to Programming Final Exam Part 1 S The following are arithmetic operators: + - * / 24. A file and a database are the same thing. 25. In a file or database table a field consists of characters (alphanumeric or numeric) 26. In a file a record consists of fields. 27. A file consists records. 28. Fields are stand-a-lone individual pieces of information that are the same data type and store the same type of data. 29. A constant is a programming aid that holds data but the data can be changed by the program. 30. A variable is a named memory location that the program does not change the data. 31. The most important step in program development is to code the program in some selected language. 32. The initial housekeeping tasks of a program are executed just before the program terminates. T F
S2008Final_part1.ppt CS11 Introduction to Programming Final Exam Part 1 S Checking for End of File (EOF) is used in programming to see if more data is available. 34. A main loop may control modules that actually perform programming tasks. 35. In a programmers toolbox there are three main tools: sequence, repetition, decision. 36. This is a Decision structure 37. This is a Decision structure T F
S2008Final_part1.ppt CS11 Introduction to Programming Final Exam Part 1 S This would be a dual alternative IF statement 39. This is not a legitimate form of the IF statement T F IF the hours worked is more than 40 THEN total pay will be = regular pay amount plus overtime hours multiplied by 1 ½ times regular pay amount ELSE total pay is regular hours times regular pay amount END IF 40. This would be a single alternative IF statement
S2008Final_part1.ppt CS11 Introduction to Programming Final Exam Part 1 S An IF statement is used to make a decision 42. Looping is another way of describing the Repetition Structure. 43. This is a loop structure. 44. Loops can be controlled by DO WHILE and DO UNTIL instructions. 45. Using a counter is the only way to control a loop. T F
S2008Final_part1.ppt CS11 Introduction to Programming Final Exam Part 1 S A do-while loop executes as long as the question’s answer is Yes or True 47. A do-while loop Test is checked at beginning of a loop 48. A do-while loop may not be executed 49. A do-until loop executes as long as the question’s answer is No or False (until it becomes Yes or True) 50. A do-until loop is checked at end of loop 51. A do-until loop will always execute at least once 52. Relational operator > means less than 53. Relational operator <> means not equal to 54. The Relational operators are:, =, =, <> T F
S2008Final_part1.ppt CS11 Introduction to Programming Final Exam Part 1 S Multiple rational operators may be used in a single instruction. 56. Logical AND operator: Allows you to ask two or more questions in a single question 57. Logical AND operator: each expression must be true to produce a result of true 58. Logical OR operator: at least one of two conditions must be true to produced a result of True 59. When range checking by using >= and <= the outside numbers in the range will not be included in the check 60. The CASE statement is a good way to make decisions if it is available in the selected programming language. 61. Are we having fun. T F T