NIH eRA COMMONS Principal Investigator Lab Regional Seminar Albuquerque April 2005
April 6, Today’s Agenda COMMONS Overview COMMONS Demonstration Site Demonstration of COMMONS systems Hands-on exercises Wrap-up and Questions
April 6, COMMONS Overview On-line connection to NIH for information on pending applications and awarded grants. Get timely information regarding a pending review, its results, summary statements, and award information. Links to NIH staff: Scientific Review Administrator, Program Official, Grants Management Officer and Specialist.
April 6, COMMONS Overview Registering your Institution Must be done by an official in the business office. Information is entered on-line and electronically sent to NIH A copy of the page is printed, signed, and faxed to the eRA Commons Help Desk Upon NIH verification, the Business Office official can begin creating accounts for Institution staff
April 6, COMMONS Overview Explanation of Commons “Roles” SO – Signing Official Has the authority to submit information to NIH, create/maintain accounts, and view limited information for all of the institution’s grantees AO – Administrative Official Can create/maintain AO, PI, and ASST accounts; can view limited information for all of the institution’s grantees; can be part of the institution’s approval workflow process when submitting electronic applications to NIH
April 6, COMMONS Overview Commons Roles (cont) PI – Principal Investigator Can view information for all of his/her grants and applications at NIH, including access to summary statement, Notice of Grant Award (NGA), create a “pre-printed” face page for non-competing continuation, and much more ASST – Administrative Assistant Can be delegated authority to access/update eSNAP and X-Train information for a PI
April 6, COMMONS Overview Commons Roles (cont) IAR – Internet Assisted Review Can participate as a reviewer for NIH Peer Review committee; Does not have to be affiliated with an institution FSR – Financial Status Report Administrator Can update and submit FSR’s to NIH
April 6, COMMONS Overview Commons Roles (cont) AA – Account Administrator Can create, maintain, and delete accounts for the institution; Role is granted by the SO
April 6, Systems We’ll Be Covering Today Institution Profile (View-only for PI Role) Account Administration Personal Profile (PPF)
April 6, Systems We’ll Be Covering Today Status eSNAP Just in time (JIT) IAR
April 6, COMMONS Demonstration Site Created to emulate the production COMMONS system Allows access to anyone who has an interest in the NIH eRA COMMONS, no need to be affiliated with a registered institution
April 6, Institution Profile View-only access for all roles other than SO Basic Information Page Assurances and Certifications Page
April 6, Account Administration Functions: Delegate PI; Delegate PPF; Change Password; Verify NIH Support Hands-on Exercise 1: Administer Your Account
April 6, Personal Profile (PPF) Single Point of Ownership You are responsible for keeping your information current and correct Very few staff members at NIH have access to change information (for emergencies only)
April 6, Personal Profile (PPF) Personal Information Race/Ethnicity Employments Address for current employment is used for your grant application when entered into the eRA database
April 6, Personal Profile (PPF) Reviewer Address Residential Address Degrees Publications
April 6, Personal Profile (PPF) Hands-on Exercise 2: Maintain your Personal Profile
April 6, Status Status Hit List Grant Number is hyperlink to full Status information Detailed application information including: Scientific Review Group meeting date/location Scores, review results, access to Summary Statement and other relevant documents Program and Grants Management staff contact information
April 6, Status Person with PI role can only see his/her own grants Currently cannot delegate this permission to another user Hands-on Exercise 3: Using Status
April 6, eSNAP electronic Streamlined Non-competing Application Process First e-submission system at NIH No longer in Pilot Organization can self-register to use this function
April 6, eSNAP eSNAP Hit List Shows all of your grants at NIH Hyperlink grant numbers are eSNAP eligible Shows the due date, eSNAP status, and current reviewer
April 6, eSNAP Functions of the different roles PI – Initiate the eSNAP Work-In-Progress (WIP), edit business and scientific information, view the eSNAP report, route the eSNAP to an AO or SO ASST – Can do everything that the PI can do EXCEPT route the eSNAP
April 6, eSNAP AO – Can edit business information, view the eSNAP report, route to the PI or SO SO – In addition to AO’s abilities, can submit the eSNAP to NIH SO can grant permission to a PI to submit his/her own eSNAP to NIH
April 6, eSNAP Initiate the eSNAP creates the WIP PI becomes the current reviewer Status is set to PI WIP eSNAP Menu page Status of Completion is information only! - not linked to actual data entered
April 6, eSNAP Upload Science Progress Report file Research Accomplishments file Other Documentation file Citations/Publications
April 6, eSNAP Edit Business Organization Info (face page) Performance Sites Key Personnel Research Subjects SNAP Questions and Checklist
April 6, eSNAP Inclusion Enrollment 2 versions of the form: 4/98 and 5/01 5/01 version contains multi-ethnic and multi- racial categories Part B. Hispanic Enrollment: Each category in this section is a subset of the total in Part A
April 6, eSNAP Other functions: View eSNAP Report Validate View Routing History Route Recall Once the eSNAP is routed to the SO, s/he can submit it to NIH
April 6, eSNAP Hands-on Exercise 4: Creating an eSNAP
April 6, Just in Time (JIT) Availability depends on review outcome This does not indicate a pending award Items to submit Other Support file IRB date Human Subjects education for Key Personnel Must be submitted to NIH by SO
April 6, JIT Hands-on Exercise 5: Just in Time Other Support Submission
April 6, IAR (Internet Assisted Review) Ability to view application image on-line Ability to submit critiques for applications in a meeting Assign preliminary scores to applications to which you are assigned Ability to read critiques submitted by other reviewers
April 6, IAR Released in August 2003 Over 21,000 Commons Accounts with an IAR role Over 1500 Meetings Conducted in FY 2005 Over 220,000 Critiques Submitted Currently, IAR usage is approximately 75% of its projected future utilization.
April 6, IAR Setting up a meeting NIH Scientific Review Administrator (SRA) creates a roster of reviewers for a meeting and assigns applications to each reviewer Meeting is set up in IAR and each reviewer is sent an invitation to participate.
April 6, IAR Invitation to join the meeting is different depending on whether or not the reviewer is currently registered in COMMONS. If Reviewer doesn’t have a Commons account, a web site for creating an account will be provided. Reviewer’s address is from the Reviewer Address in Personal Profile
April 6, IAR Meeting Phases Submit Phase (mandatory) Reviewers log in and submit critiques and preliminary scores for their assigned applications. Reviewers can only see critiques and scores that they have submitted during this phase. This phase usually ends a few days before the actual meeting.
April 6, IAR Meeting Phases Read Phase (mandatory) Read phase begins after Submit phase (critique due date). Reviewers are permitted to read other Reviewer’s critiques (if not in conflict).
April 6, IAR If a reviewer has not submitted an assigned critique, the SRA may block the Reviewer from reading other critiques on that application until he/she submits
April 6, IAR Meeting Phases – Read Phase continued Reviewers may view the Score Matrix that indicates streamlined or lower-half applications as designated by the SRA. These lower-half applications may not be discussed at the actual meeting. The Read phase usually begins a few days before the meeting and is open until the actual meeting is held.
April 6, IAR Meeting Phases Edit Phase (optional at SRA’s discretion) Reviewers may submit updated critiques or critiques for unassigned applications. Score submission is not permitted. This phase is usually open for a few days to a week after the actual meeting.
April 6, IAR Submitting Critiques and Preliminary Scores Word or Text document types supported. Preliminary Scores can be numeric ( ) or alphanumeric (see Submit screen for guidance) Reviewers should NOT include their Name as part of the critique file they upload. To modify a previously submitted critique, simply resubmit a new file. Only the most recent critique is retained.
April 6, IAR Conflicts If Reviewer has an institutional conflict, he/she cannot submit or view critiques or scores on applications where conflicts exist. In addition, if Reviewer is in competitive conflict, he/she also cannot view the online application image.
April 6, IAR Hands-on Exercise 6: Using Internet Assisted Review (IAR)