© 2004 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice Transfer of Information ASAP 2.5 Server Enhancements & Communication SGP Oct. 15, 2004
ASAP 2.5 Server – transfer of information2 Introduction Welcome to the ASAP 2.5 TOI ASAP 2.5 TOI Part 1 – ASAP Server Rank, Action, File and Process ASAP 2.5 TOI Part 2 – ASAP Server Enhancements and Comm SGP ASAP 2.5 TOI Part 3 – ASAP Client ASAP 2.5 TOI Part 4 – ASAP OVO SPI Audience −GCSC −NonStop Analysts −Other Interested HP Employees Other Places to Go for Information −NonStopASAP.comNonStopASAP.com −ASAP 2.4 TOIASAP 2.4 TOI −TUT CD #42TUT CD #42 −TUT CD #30TUT CD #30
ASAP 2.5 Server – transfer of information3 ASAP 2.5 Database history new features −ASAP can now automatically maintain long term history −Days, Weeks, Months, or even Years can be kept using the following SET option SET DBMaxDays [ ] DBMaxDays option controls both −Amount of History for all entities −Variable history for each entity
ASAP 2.5 Server – transfer of information4 ASAP 2.5 Database – SET DBMaxDays −SET DBMaxDays [ ] −Examples SET DBMaxDays 1 ! History for all entities, 1 day SET DBMaxDays Cpu 365 ! History for Cpu entity, 365 days SET DBMaxDays PCB 60 ! History for Process Busy, 60 days SET DBMaxDays Disk 30 ! History for Disk entity, 30 days SET DBMaxDays File 14 ! History for File entity, 14 days
ASAP 2.5 Server – transfer of information5 ASAP 2.5 Database – SET DB…subvol −SET DBRolloverSubvolPrefix defines subvolume prefix −Example SET DBRolloverSubvolPrefix ASAP ! Subvol prefix = “ASAP” −Rollover files are named using following filename template: −$DATA.ASAPyyyy.ZmmddEEE Where: defines 1..4 alphanumeric character prefix, eg ASAP yyyy - year rollover occurred, such as 2004 mm - month rollover occurred, such as 12 dd - day rollover occurred, such as 31 EEE - three letter entity acronym, eg Cpu, Dsk, Exp,... −Cpu stats file for 2004, December 31 would be named −$DATA.ASAP2004.Z1231CPU
ASAP 2.5 Server – transfer of information6 ASAP 2.5 Database – DB command −DB command provides analysis of historical database DB [ ] [ INFO ] [ DETAIL ] [ ] indicates year to analyze DB command alone provides disk usage by entity and by date. INFO provides file info about DB files: last-mod, owner, rwep, … DETAIL provides first and last record timestamps for each file allows you to restrict analysis to one entity
ASAP 2.5 Server – transfer of information7 ASAP 2.5 Database – DB command DB command provides analysis of disk usage by entity by date +DB 2004 Availability Stats and Performance -- Disk usage by entity by date Zmmdd APP COM CPU DSK EXP FIL NCP PCB PRO RDF SPL SYS TAP TMF Z m 602k Z m 2.4m Z m 2.4m Z m 9.4m 36m 0.8m 1.6m Z m 9.4m 36m 0.8m 1.6m Z m 9.3m 35m 0.6m 1.6m Z m 9.4m 38m 47m 21m 24m 36m 71m 0.8m 1.6m 3.9m 9.7m Z m 9.4m 38m 47m 21m 24m 36m 71m 0.8m 1.6m 3.9m 9.7m Z m 9.4m 38m 47m 21m 24m 36m 70m 0.8m 1.6m 3.9m 9.7m Z m 9.4m 38m 47m 21m 24m 36m 65m 0.8m 1.6m 3.9m 9.7m Z m 8.9m 36m 45m 20m 22m 34m 72m 0.2m 1.5m 3.7m 9.2m Z m 13m 38m 47m 0.1m 24m 35m 26m 0.7m 1.6m 3.9m 9.7m Z k 7m 19m 24m 3.8m 12m 18m 3.5m 5.3m 786k 1.0m 4.8m Total APP COM CPU DSK EXP FIL NCP PCB PRO RDF SPL SYS TAP TMF g 0 45m 1.0g 581m 682m 134m 153m 1.1g 609m 0 326m 379m 33m 82m DBMaxDays Cpu and System entities – back to 01/15 DBMaxDays 30 - Comm, ProcessBusy, and Spooler entities – back to 7/24 DBMaxDays 7 - All other entities – back to 8/16 – 7 days ago on Aug 23
ASAP 2.5 Server – transfer of information8 ASAP 2.5 Database – DB INFO −DB INFO option provides file info on DB files +DB CPU INFO $ASAP.ASAP2004.Z* FILENAME O Y/M/D LAST-MOD GRP,USR RWEP Z0115CPU 04/01/16 00:00 255,255 NUNU Z0116CPU 04/01/17 00:00 255,255 NUNU Z0117CPU 04/01/18 00:00 255,255 NNNN Z0118CPU 04/01/19 00:00 255,255 NNNN Z0119CPU 04/01/20 00:00 255,255 NNNN
ASAP 2.5 Server – transfer of information9 ASAP 2.5 Database – DB DETAIL −DB DETAIL option shows DB record begin and end timestamps +DB CPU DETAIL $ASAP.ASAP2004.Z* FILENAME O Y/M/D LAST-MOD GRP,USR RWEP Begin-Date-Time End-Date-Time Z0115CPU 04/01/16 00:00 255,255 NUNU 2004/01/15 17: /01/16 00:00 Z0116CPU 04/01/17 00:00 255,255 NUNU 2004/01/16 00: /01/17 00:00 Z0117CPU 04/01/18 00:00 255,255 NNNN 2004/01/17 00: /01/18 00:00 Z0118CPU 04/01/19 00:00 255,255 NNNN 2004/01/18 00: /01/19 00:00 Z0119CPU 04/01/20 00:00 255,255 NNNN 2004/01/19 00: /01/20 00:00 −Report includes first and last database record timestamp information −Begin-date-time indicates the timestamp of the first record in a given file −End-date-time indicates the timestamp of the last record in a given file −Note January 15 not a complete day because ASAP started at 5:28pm
ASAP 2.5 Server – transfer of information10 ASAP 2.5 Comm Entity Features $ U The Comm SGP collects performance and state information about one or more communication lines. The Following Communication lines are supported: −AM3270 Type 60 −ATP6100 Type 53 −CP6100 Type 51 −Envoy Type 7 −EnvoyACP Type 11 −Snax Type 58 −X.25 Type 61 Auto-discovery of all configured Communication lines. Availability information reported by the client is: The largest performance value for the Comm line. Highest operational state information for the Comm line. Supports user defined Comm object monitoring. Supports user defined discrete object thresholds Performance statistics are collected via the Measure programmatic interface.
ASAP 2.5 Server – transfer of information11 ASAP 2.5 COMM SGP Availability Statistics The Comm SGP collects the following Availability statistics : * Indicates state pair
ASAP 2.5 Server – transfer of information12 ASAP 2.5 Communication line Monitoring Auto-Discovery of the supported Communication line types (Default). The COMM SGP supports individual user defined Comm line monitoring. Monitor command syntax: MONITOR entity [ \ node. ] domain [,ADD/ON [,OFF ] ] entity is the name of an ASAP entity as defined in EDL (COMM). node is the node name the Command applies to. domain is any form of an ASAP domain name. Domain names can represent physical devices ($X25A). ADD/ON turns monitoring on in the database for the specified domains in the specified entity. OFF turns monitoring off in the database for the specified domain in the specified entity.
ASAP 2.5 Server – transfer of information13 ASAP 2.5 Communication line Monitoring (Cont) Comm Monitoring Specifying Comm lines. MONITOR COMM $SNAX MONITOR COMM $X25a MONITOR COMM !Displays Comm lines added to the DB MONITOR COMM, LIST !Displays Comm !lines being !monitored by !the Comm SGP
ASAP 2.5 Server – transfer of information14 ASAP 2.5 COMM SGP Discrete Objectives Thresholds (DOTS) The ASAP user can configure Discrete Objectives Thresholds for the COMM SGP. Objectives may be configured on the following DOTs Attributes:
ASAP 2.5 Server – transfer of information15 ASAP 2.5 COMM SGP DOTs (Continued) Use the ASAP CI “RANK” command for configuring individual DOTs attributes. Rank Comm, Busy > 60 Rank Comm $X25A,Busy > 30 Rank Comm !displays Comm Attr !added to the DB Rank Comm, list !displays the Attrs that !the Comm Sgp is !reporting on.
ASAP 2.5 Server – transfer of information16 ASAP 2.5 Configuring the ASAP Comm SGP The ASAP CI Communication configuration options for the set command are: −ON|OFFON enables network-wide COMM status reporting. OFF disables network-wide COMM status reporting. The default value is OFF. −OBJECTDefines the. This program will be started on each node by the ASAP monitor. The default is $SYSTEM.SYSTEM.ASAPCMM. −CPU Defines the CPU the COMM Sgp will reside in. −PARAMETERSSpecifies the COMM specific parameter string to be passed to the ASAPCMM process at startup time. The default is the string. The Parameter list must be enclosed in double quotes.
ASAP 2.5 Server – transfer of information17 ASAP 2.5 Configuring the ASAP Communication SGP (Cont) The options are: CPU Defines the Cpu where the MEASFH process will reside. NOMEAS Prevents COMM performance statistics from being collected. COMM state information, and Config will be collected during each sample period. RATE Defines the interval, in minutes, that COMM statistics reported back to the Collector. The default is the ASAP RATE. SUBVOL Specifies the subvol location of the Measure Data file SWAPVOL [ ]Specifies the location for the Measfh swap volume. The default is $SYSTEM. VOLUME [ ][.][ ] Specifies the location of the Measure Data file. The default is $SYSTEM.SYSTEM This is an example of the SET COMM command: +SET COMM ON, OBJECT $SYSTEM.ASAP.ASAPCMM, PARAMETERS "VOLUME $DATA.ASAP RATE 10", CPU 3
ASAP 2.5 Server – transfer of information18 ASAP 2.5 ASAP CI “COMM” COMMAND The COMM command displays communication statistics for the specified. The Comm command options are: −SamplesNumber of Comm Samples displayed for monitored Comm lines. COMM, S 3 !displays current sample plus previous 2 samples. −TimeDisplay Comm availability stats starting at a specific time. COMM, TIME 10:00 !show last 3 samples starting at 10:00. −InfoDisplays Comm line information. COMM $X25A, INFO !show Comm line information for the $X25A line. −PercentDisplays Comm volume percentage statistics Busy, read, and write. COMM, PERCENT !show line percentages (DEFAULT) −Rate Displays the number of Reads, Writes, InKB, OutKB, InDataKB, OutDataKB per second. COMM, RATE !show Comm line rates i.e. reads/second −StateDisplays the state value for the Comm SGP threshold attributes. Can be used with all options except for the INFO option. COMM, RATE, STATE !show comm line rate state values
ASAP 2.5 Server – transfer of information19 ASAP 2.5 Comm SGP Performance Statistics From the ASAP CI command “Comm ” The following communication performance statistics are displayed: −TIMETime of the stats converted to data base local civil time. −REQUESTSNumber of Comm I/O requests (READS, WRITES) received by received by the Communication process for the sample. −BUSY%Percent Comm busy for the sample. (Reading,Writing,retrying). −READ%Percent Comm busy Reading data. −WRIT% Percent Comm busy writing data. −RETRYNumber of I/O process retries because of Comm line error. −TXACTN Number of terminal transactions per second performed by the I/O processes for all the subdevices on the Comm line. −RSPTIMTime That the I/O process spent on terminal response for all measured subdevices on the Comm line. −RATESTotal Reads and writes per second. −READNumber of reads per second. (COMM,RATE) −WRITENumber of writes per second. (COMM,RATE) −INKBNumber of kilobytes read per second from the Comm line. −OUTKBNumber of kilobytes written per second to the Comm line. −INDATANumber of data kilobytes read per second from the Comm line. −OUTDATANumber of data kilobytes written per second from the Comm line. Note: Both INPUTKB & OUTPTKB values < 1K are displayed as 0.
ASAP 2.5 Server – transfer of information20 ASAP 2.5 Comm SGP Performance Statistics (Cont) INFO displays the following: D.xx NonStop Kernel displays the following: −STATE State of the device. −LDEV The logical device number of the Comm line. −PIN Process identification number of the primary process. −TYPE The Device type and the subtype of the Comm line. −CTRL Controller address (in Octal) that the device was using. −UNIT Unit number of the Comm line. −CH Channel that the Comm line was using. −PROGRAM The Comm lines object file name. − G.xx NonStop Kernel displays the following: −STATE State of the device. −LDEV The logical device number of the Comm line. −PIN Process identification number of the primary process. −TYPE The Device type and the subtype of the Comm line. −GRP Group number that the device was using. −MOD Module number of the Comm line. −SLOT Slot number of the Comm line. −PROGRAM The Comm lines object file name.
ASAP 2.5 Server – transfer of information21 ASAP 2.5 CI Command Status Enhancements. STATUS TIMEOUT ENHANCEMENT −ASAP 2.5 now allows a user timeout value for the status command. The timeout value is in seconds. The Default is 15 seconds. −Timeout values are in the range of 1 to 99 seconds. −STATUS Timeout 5 Each SGP has 5 seconds to respond to the Status request. Any error 40 will be displayed for each SGP exceeding the timeout value. Other STATUS Enhancements: −ASAP 2.5 now displays any SGP that did not start as an error 11 in the Status output. −When an SGP is not working properly and is stopping the ASAP Monitor will wait 15 minutes before attempting to restart the SGP. The first attempt to start the SGP could be longer than 15 minutes depending on the time the Monitor was started. This check is done during the 15 minute audit interval.
ASAP 2.5 Server – transfer of information22 ASAP 2.5 SGP CPU Placement ASAP 2.5 now supports user specified CPU placement for all SGPS. −CPU placement is achieved by using the set command. CPU is a new option supported by all ASAP 2.5 SGPs. −CPU validation for CPU number 0-15 are performed. In the event the CPU is unavailable the SGP will be started in the same CPU as the ASAP Monitor process. −SET PROCESS CPU 5 −SET SPOOLER CPU 6
ASAP 2.5 Server – transfer of information23 ASAP 2.5 Additional SGP Enhancements Disk SGP now allows thresholds to be set against the disk attribute “FRAGMENT”. Rank Disk, Fragment < 200 The ASAP DISK SGP now allows the ASAP user to specify decimal values for setting disk queue length objectives. Rank Disk $System, Queue >.5 The ASAP DISK SGP now supports the Enterprise Storage Subsystem, subtype 52 disk devices. Both the ASAP CPU SGP, and System SGP now allows thresholds to be set against the total number of debug breakpoints that are in use. Rank CPU, BrkPnt > 2
ASAP 2.5 Server – transfer of information24