Open Your Mind... OpenOffice OpenOffice is the future of word processing in the world of Web 2.0—the read/write web.
We are professionals. How can we teach if we aren't willing to learn?
Why OO? FREE Open updates all the time Compatibility Community
Consider... Our students...will face many programs in their future...versatility is an advantage. Windows created a basic format for software user interfaces. OO uses that format & adds compatibility, letting us break out of the MS monopoly. More open source programs are here, like Audacity...and more on the way.
Model Life-Long Learning: Don't Be Afraid of New Things
On the Novell Apps Launcher
Taking the First Step
Word = Writer PowerPoint = Impress Excel = Calc Access = Base The end products are the same: Text Documents Slide Show Presentations Spreadsheets w/ Formulas & Graphic Displays Databases
The Menu
The Menu...continued
Where's Clip Art?
Cool Stuff... Starting new documents within OO when a document is already open. Turning your document into a PDF file. One Click.
OO Calc Spreadsheet Toolbar The Data menu.
Converting Existing PowerPoints (taken from Tutorials for OO: FYI: Slide transitions do not always convert. Instead manually set the transitions in Impress. Open OO and click “Open a Document” (or if OO is open, click File, then Open) Select your PowerPoint document On the toolbar, click SlideShow and select SlideShow Settings... from drop-down menu
Converting Existing PowerPoints Continued... Under Options, make sure “Change Slides Manually” and “Change Slides by Clicking on Background” are NOT checked. Click OK.
Converting Existing PowerPoints Continued... Click on Slide 1. In the right-hand column, you see a Tasks Window. Select “Slide Transition” Under “Advance Slide,” click “Automatically after,” then enter how long you want the slide to sit before automatically forwarding to the next slide. Then, click “Apply to All Slides”
Converting Existing PowerPoints Continued... On the toolbar, click File, then select “Save As” After navigating to where you wish to save the document, in the “Save as Type” field, select OpenDocument Presentation (.ODP) Name your file and click Save.
OpenOffice Resources: teacher_resources/open_office_resources/