Janice Butler Exceptional Children Thomasville Primary School
Need a folder to store PDF files & Active Flipcharts Create folders in my documents or on share drive Open My documents or share folder Right Click, new, folder, Name the folder
Save PDF files to your folder (Location -My documents or Sharedrive) Click on “File” for dropdown Choose “Save as” Choose the correct location Name the file Save
Creating a new flipchart using a PDF file: Open Activ Software (If not already open) Use a blank flipchart Click on “File” for drop down box Choose “Import” for drop down box Click on “PDF” Find the PDF folder and choose the correct file Choose the proper information or click “Import”
Then-Click open
Make changes here only if needed: Page size Number of pages Import to If no changes— Click “Import” File will be created
Save the new flipchart in your folder Click Save
Adjust the pages if needed
Lock the pages to keep them from being moved Right click—click locked
Insert pictures and numbers, or other objects Example: add numbers Text tool
Insert Drag and Drop object
Reset page icon—gets rid of crayons only
Page reset— Note : You must save your changes first---If you don’t it will reset everything
Deleting portions Left click and drag over area to be deleted It will be highlighted---delete or make changes
ourse1/pdfs/MAC1NC_Gr6_EOG.pdf ourse1/pdfs/MAC1NC_Gr6_EOG.pdf Import into flipchart Change the size of the object Use revealer tool to cover problems of needed
Questions? Thank you!