Leaving Certificate Biology Diversity of Organisms iQuiz SECOND Press the F5 Key to Begin, Then click on this Blue Box FIRST In PowerPoint 2007 if you see a Security Warning click HERE on Options… and then click on Enable this content
Which of the following do not have cell walls? Animals BacteriaPlants Fungi
Which of the following refers to a system of classification? Cytology TaxologyTaxonomy Cytonomy
Which of the following is associated with chitin? AmoebaYeast BacteriaFlowering plant
Bacteria reproduce by … BuddingBinary fission SporesMeiosis
Which of the following refers to a mode of nutrition involving dead sources? PhotosyntheticChemosynthetic ParasiticSaprophytic
Which one of the following organisms is not eukaryotic? Homo sapiensEscherichia coli Saccharomyces cerevisiae Amoeba proteus
What structures receive the nuclei from both hyphae during sexual reproduction in Rhizopus? ZygosporeGametangia ProgametangiaSporangia
The part of a bioreactor that diffuses oxygen into the medium is called a … FermenterSparger CultureStirrer
The Lag phase of bacterial growth is characterised by … in numbers. a minor increasea sharp increase no increasea drop
Which one of the following is always present in bacteria? PlasmidFlagellum Storage granuleCapsule
Colonies can form during the reproduction of which organism? AntsYeast RhizopusBacteria
To which kingdom does plankton belong? PlantAnimal MoneraProtista
Who devised the five kingdom system of classification? LinnaeusWhittaker WallaceFleming
Which of the following is caused by a rod-shaped bacterium? PneumoniaSyphilis TuberculosisFood poisoning
Which of the following refers to a protein extracted from cultured algae, yeasts, or bacteria and used as a substitute for protein-rich foods, especially in animal feeds? TSPSCP Soy proteinMRSA
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