Chris Marks
1.1 I can describe what types of information are needed. Logo Idea 1 I do not want this logo to be my final logo because it looks rubbish and doesn’t stand out. Logo idea 2 I do not want this logo to be my final logo because it has no colour and looks like a light bulb. Logo idea 3 I WANT this logo to be my final logo because it stands out and it looks like my company.
1.1 I can describe what types of information are needed. Business card I have chosen a template which is appropriate and has a design I liked. I added a colour scheme to this which matches the colours of my logo so it would look more professional. On the business card itself, I have included my name and job title so the person being given the card remembers my name and what I do. I have included my address so they can contact me by post and have included my phone and so if they want to get hold of me quickly then they can. My logo is simple but eye catching and this is essential in my business card as it makes sure people recognise my business.
1.1 I can describe what types of information are needed. Letterhead Letterheads are important as when a letter arrives in the post and has a professional looking letterhead which matches the companies corporate design, then it makes you think of that company in a more professional way. In my letterhead, I have included my logo and made sure the design and colour scheme match both the logo and my business card so there is a consistent design across all my busienss products. I have included my telephone, fax and so that people can contact me anytime at a moments notice and have included my address so they can reply to my letter if they want to.
1.1 I can describe what types of information are needed. Newsletter Newsletters are designed to be informative so my newsletter includes a wide range of articles abvout various technological advances. Each article has its own title and picture so the reader knows what is about. I have included an ‘Inside this issue’ section to make the readers get excited about what may be inside the middle pages of the newsletter and have also included page numbering on the front page to help those who may be interested in a specific article. I have included my logo on the front and back pages as a newsletter is a good wayto advertise your company and have also included my address and contact information on the back page. I have written an introduction about my company also incase anyone might want to know more.
1.2 I can describe how to change page design and layout to increase effectiveness of a publication. Estate I do not want this design to be my final design because it talks about nurses and what stuff they have. New year I do not want this design to be my final design because it talks about Christmas and dose not stand out enough. Edge I WANT this design to be my final design because it stands out bring out the colour and lots of room to write.
1.2 I can describe how to change page design and layout to increase effectiveness of a publication. Verve I do not want this colour scheme because it doesn’t stand out and looks horrible. Berry I do not want this colour scheme because it doesn't stand out and it is hard to write over purple. Flow I do WANT this colour scheme because it matches my design set and will look effective.
I have used the templates available in publisher to create my work so my work would takie less time and look more professional. I chose a design which I liked and used the same one for all of my products. I did this so my work looked more professional and so people would recognise it. If I had used a diffent design for one on my products it wouldn’t as good and people might not realise it was from my company. I made sure my colour scheme matched everything as well so the colours in the publications matched the colours in the logo. I did this to make sure my company is recognised and remembered. 1.2 I can describe how to change page design and layout to increase effectiveness of a publication.
2.3 Describe how copyright constraints affect use of own and others’ information. If you go on the internet and you find a picture which says it has copyright associated with it then you can’t use it in your own work without permission from the owner. Permission could mean that you ask and they let you use it for free, it could mean that you pay for it or it might mean that you ask and they say no. To avoid this, you could use pictures which are copyright free or that made get someone to take a photo for you or make a picture yourself. In my work, all pictures and articles belonged to other people so I referenced the website their article came from in my research document. I also put my logo into my copyright table as I used a logo created by vista print.
2.4 I can describe which file format to use for saving designs and images..PUB – It stands for publisher2 people can use this to find lots of temlsyed and you can use letters, bunnesises cards information anything you can make the templates different to make them stand out and use and your bissness portable document because u can read it whenever.PDF –pdf means portable document format because anyone can see it or read it,.JPEG/.JPG it stands for joint photographic experts group. It is common to save the picture so you don’t lose it. If you have a picture on your phone you can save it as PDF or pdf, there are other websites that are more common..PNG – it stands for portable network graphics. If it is a file format which is really good quality and with a back ground then many people would use it for pictures and logos..PSD - stands for Photoshop document. You will need to open the Photoshop file. Files can be big and small in sizes..TIFF – It stands for tagged image file format. It might be used to make images to add to your company logo.
Publisher is a type of software we can us create posters newsletter articles letterheads using templates. It is a useful tool to use because it can save lots of time and can ensure all of your publications look professional. Publisher files are saved so not everyone can open these files as they would need the software. This can be avoided if they save the publisher file as a PDF. PDF files mean that you don’t need a specific bit of software to open the file and this can make it easier for you to send your work to other people to look at easily. If an image file is created using Photoshop and someone dosnet have Photoshop then they can save the file as a range of images types these images types are PNG, JPEG and TIFF. There are a few key differences between these types of images such as the quality and the size which might be different depending on the use of the picture. If you are printing it then you it needs to be better quality so will be a bigger file size. In my work I saved my logo as a PNG file because it is a small file size but is also good quality. 2.4 I can describe which file format to use for saving designs and images.