Login on Laptop, Server or Internet Platform: The user will get a display on his screen of a randomized series of figures. He will subsequently speak the figures. The resulting templates are compared with reference and access is granted on match. Technology: ComBiom is using Biometric Face, Voice, Lip Movement and Word Recognition Simultaneously. WebCam records video and audio, our software transforms in small biometric data files (templates) Enrolment Procedure: User will be asked to speak all figures from 1,2,3, … 0. As usual WebCam records and software establishes reference templates for all figures
High Security (4 x Biometrics Multimodal / Random Password) Simple read / contactless / Free HaM ( Free Hands and Memory ) Low Cost Hardware (WebCam)
ID ComBiom is an All in One Software. The user is always free to decide whether he wants to use ComBiom as a package or just single parts of it, such as PermaFace only or PermaVoice only. ID Perma Face will do a permanent biometric face control. If the wrong user is trying to steal data, the system would identify the thief and switch off. ID Perma Voice identifies the user on it‘s biometric voice identification only. For example at night, without light.
Global e-Security e-Access e-Comfort For further information on all our procucts
Everybody goes for Biometric Authentication, when you chose, chose the best solution ! Quelle: Frost & Sullivan, World Biometric Market, 2007