Review Ch 16.
1. What is an endocrine gland? Glands and ducts that make and secrete hormones into the blood stream 2. What is the main function of the pituitary gland? Make the endocrine system work correctly
3. What is the main 2 purposes of the male reproductive system? Make sperm and deliver it to females body 4. What is the name given to the female reproductive glands? ovaries
5. What are hormones and what is their purpose? Chemicals that the body makes for normal body growth and function 6. Where is the pituitary gland found? Bottom side of brain,small like a pea, behind sinus cavity, like between your ears.
7. What is the purpose of these hormones FSH, LH,prolactin, progesterone, in females. FSH and LH in males females- cause eggs to mature and be released. Males- make sperm.
What is another name for gonads in males testes in females ovaries
9. Testosterone 10. Testicles 11. Scrotum 12. Epididymis 13. Vas defrens 14. Semen 15. Urethra 16.penis 17. Ejaculation 18. fertilization
19. Abstinence will help to avoid STI’s. Self exams- may catch a problem like cancer early so treatment can be sought early
20. Inguinal hernia- a tear in abdominal wall due to straining- (lifting heavy things the wrong way) and the intestine is pushing through tear. Must be repaired or will get worse.
TSE- Testicular self exams, should be performed monthly
22. Sperm are the reproductive cells made by a mans testicles. Semen is the thick fluid made by the cowpers gland, prostate, mixed and carried by the seminal vesicles and vas defrens. Semen nourishes and carries sperm.
23. Sperm can not survive body temps. The scrotum relaxes and lets the testicles move away from the body when too warm and contracts and brings testicles close to body when too cold. This is why testicles are on outside of boys body. Wearing tight clothing can stop how this works.
24. Prostate cancer is cancer of prostate gland. Mostly an older mans worry 50+. Testicular cancer is cancer of testicles. A younger man year old’s worry.
25. Sterility- inability to have children.
26. Cancer- ovarian, uterus cervix pap smear detectcs cervical cancer.Girls should start pap smears at 18 or when become sexully active. vaginitis endometriosis
Menstrual cramps-physical PMS- premenstrual syndrome- hormonal changes STI- always a danger if come in contact. Some are not treatable. Ovarian cysts-fluid filled sacs on ovary usually non cancerous
27. Abstinence- no STI or unwanted pregnancies self exams- early detection = early treatment= better chance of survival
28. Cervix 29. Vagina 30. Ova 31. Endometrium 32. ovaries 33. Fallopian tubes 34. Uterus 35. Cilia
36. Ovulation- release on one mature egg
36. Zygote- fertilized egg cell that is in fallopian tube. One it arrives to the uterus it is then called an embryo
37. Endometriosis- when endometrium tissue grows out side of uterus.
38. Toxic shock syndrome- rare bacterial infection that can be fetal. Caused by not changing tampons frequently enough.
39.ova are eggs. Ovaries house eggs and make female sex hormones.
40.Cervical cancer is caused by the Human Papolova Virus (HPV) the Guardisil shot helps to vaccinate against most strains of HPV. Genital Warts There is no cure if you get HPV.
41. PMS- mental- caused by hormone imbalances. Premenstrual cramping- muscular contractions.
42. Monthly breast exams are recommended. When a woman is 40 years old she should get yearly mamograms. If there is family history of breast cancer, she should get a mamogram earlier.
Other non curable STI’s Herpes HIV HPV Hepatitis C
Fertilization takes place in fallopian tubes.