Quality Issues in Mixed-Methods Research Alan Bryman, Management Centre, University of Leicester, UK.
Quality Criteria in Qualitative Research Significant development Inappropriateness of traditional criteria Two approaches –Adapt traditional criteria –Alternative criteria
What about Mixed-Methods Research? No criteria for appraising mixed-methods research exist (Sale and Brazil, 2004) How should we approach quality criteria for mixed-methods research?
Three Possible Approaches 1.Convergent criteria 2.Separate criteria 3.Bespoke criteria Problem of lack of agreement on qualitative criteria Not a focus of concern among interviewees
A Contingency Approach Insight from organization studies Each approach to quality criteria may be appropriate in some circumstances but not others
Quantitative or Qualitative Dominant (Teddlie, 2005)
Quantitative or Qualitative Dominant Quantitative dominant – qualitative research generates hypotheses to be tested or to develop measurement instruments –Traditional criteria Qualitative dominant - quantitative research simply for background data or amount of quantitative data is minimal –Alternative, qualitative criteria Convergent criteria – use same criteria for both components
Integrated or Separate? Different research questions for quantitative and qualitative components? –Separate criteria Integration of quantitative and qualitative components –Bespoke criteria
Bespoke Criteria Two sets of criteria 1.Tashakkori & Teddlie (2003) – emphasis on inference quality –Does an inference meets the fundamental criteria required for it to be credible and/or defensible? –Blends internal validity (traditional) and trustworthiness and credibility (alternative)
Bespoke Criteria 2.Sale & Brazil (2004) Truth value = internal validity + credibility Applicability = external validity/ generalizability + transferability Consistency = reliability + dependability Neutrality = objectivity + confirmability Rooted in criteria for quantitative and qualitative research Other criteria specific to mixed-methods? Not always appropriate or needed anyway
Bespoke Criteria Appear to be obvious solution but… –Not always appropriate –Lack of agreed qualitative criteria –Unplanned outcomes of mixed-methods research Formulation of bespoke criteria for mixed- methods research very difficult