WIRELESS CONTROLLED TOXIC GAS DETECTING ROBOT Amrinder Chawla, Anurag Kadasne, Enkuang Wang, Gowtham Tamilselvan, Saurabh Pandey, Robert Brown ECE 4007 L03: Prof. Erick Maxwell 29 th October, 2010
A GENDA Project Overview Design Objectives Challenges Timeline Future Work
P ROJECT O VERVIEW Combines wireless robot navigation and live video Detects and provides feedback of CO concentration Allows emergency teams to respond to gas leaks Reduces human exposure to CO gas Provides relief materials to the affected Costs $408.44
D ESIGN O BJECTIVES Remote controlled robot CO sensor interfaced with microcontroller Webcam connectivity with eBox Safety Kit for emergency
CO G AS S ENSOR Parallax MQ-7 gas sensor Changes resistance in proportion to CO gas Transfers signal from MQ-7 gas sensor to microcontroller
H ARDWARE CHALLENGES CO sensor – Testing Webcam – Spatial Orientation Safety Kit – Dimensions
S OFTWARE C HALLENGES Lack of Experience eBox – Drivers for webcam GUI
S CHEDULE /R ELEVANT D ATES Product Research eBox setup Microcontroller CO sensor iRobot Safety Kit Integration Wirelessly controlled robot Data transfer between user and robot Testing Finished Product Final presentation Project demonstration Final project report
F UTURE W ORK Addition of more toxic gas sensors Rearview camera Faster Car (better platform)