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The origin of Judaism Judaism is the oldest out of the four monotheistic religions (believes in only one god) of the world. It was created in Israel around 4000 years ago by Abraham the father of the Jews (2000 BC) Currently there are approximately 13 million Jews across the world, 270,100 of these are found within the UK.
Religious symbols Unlike Christians who read the bible, Jews read The Torah. This includes 5 smaller books inside, these are: § B’reshit § Sh’mot § Vayyikra § Bemidbar § D’varim
Religious symbols… The place of worship for Jews is the Synagogue. The religious symbol is the Star of David. This six pointed star is in honour of the Jewish king David who defeated the giant Goliath.
This is a day of rest for Jewish people, between sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday they undertake a ritual which includes: Bathing, having a hair cut and cleaning the home. 18 minutes before sunset they light 2 candles to represent “keep” and “remember” (the first two commandments of the Torah.) Singing songs and eating three festival meals is also customary to this celebration. Shabbat
Hanukkah Hanukkah is an eight day Jewish holiday that starts on the 25 th day of Kislev which is any time between November and December. Hanukkah is known as the festival of lights. During this festival, candles are lit each night on the Menorah (a seven or nine branched candelabrum used in the temple), starting with one and continually adding another one each night. The extra branch on the Menorah is usually positioned above/below the others. During this festival, they also recite Hallel prayer, play the driedel game, give Hanukkah gelt and sing special songs such as Ma’oz Tzur.
Typical clothing Clothing only worn by Jews: §Tallit- This is a shawl worn for praying in the morning or at the synagogue. §Kippah- This a slightly rounded cap worn by the Jewish men to demonstrate their respect to god. In some Jewish communities women may also wear them. §Sheital- Jewish religious laws state that married women must wear this scarf to cover their hair. §Kittel- This is a knee length robe which is worn by Jewish leaders.
A typical Jewish family home family/6597.html
The Kosher diet In the video Sarah mentioned the Kosher diet, here are some foods which can and cannot be eaten. Cannot be eatenCan be eaten PigCattle/Bison CamelSheep/goats HareTuna Shellfish, lobsters, oystersCod Rodents, insects Reptiles, amphibians The dietary Kosher laws state that meat and dairy must not be eaten together. They should ideally wait between 3 to 6 hours after eating meat before they can eat dairy and vice versa. 21% of Jews do not stick to the Kosher diet outside of the home.
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