W HAT AMOUNT OF EDUCATION ? Our administrators ranged from BA degree to Education Specialist degree in School Administration.
H OW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN IN YOUR CURRENT POSITION ? From first year principal or secretary to 12+ years
H OW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR FIRST YEARS BEING IN AN URBAN SETTING ? F EELINGS ? Excited about being able to go back to their roots. Difficult but with the value of learning something new everyday.
W HY DID YOU CHOSE AN URBAN SETTING ? A passion for working with urban students who have many challenges to overcome but who have the same desires to learn and be successful students as students from more non-urban schools. Being able to give back to the community.
H AVE YOU EVER BEEN IN AN NON - URBAN SETTING ? I F SO, DIFFERENCES ? No, have all worked in urban areas
H OW DO YOU HANDLE BEHAVIOR SITUATIONS ? B EST METHODS ? Every behavior situation is different therefore you handle it is different. In each case a child must know there are consequences for their behavior and restitution needs to be made. Responsive Classroom is used. The school system has to be structured in a way that sets clear boundaries and expectations for students and to allow them to take the responsibilities for their actions
W HAT ARE THE CHALLENGES OF AN URBAN SETTING ? Poverty, high mobility, English as their second language, and school budgets
W HAT ARE THE REWARDS ? There are many rewards. Watching children succeed both academically, socially and emotionally is an amazing experience. Seeing the children's personal growth as well as the teachers.
W HAT RECOMMENDATIONS DO YOU HAVE FOR AN INSPIRING TEACHER ? Realize that you are entering a very highly stressful job. You need to be organized and on top of all district curriculum. Don’t let this discourage you, you are obviously entering teaching because you love children and you feel you can make a difference in a child’s life Never make excuses or use the words "it can't be done". Know that every student wants to make the right choice and learn.
W HERE DO YOU SEE YOURSELF IN THE FUTURE ? Retiring soon, focusing on building up as a first year principal.
W HAT AMOUNT OF E DUCATION DO YOU HAVE ? Degree in Elementary Education to a master equivalency, masters in curriculum and instruction
H OW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN IN YOUR CURRENT POSITION ? 34 years, 22 years (TOSA), 13 years 6 years
H OW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE ABOUT YOUR FIRST YEAR IN AN URBAN SETTING ? F EELINGS Challenging, stressful, frustrated, felt like I had wasted four years in undergrad-Did not prepare for urban teaching
W HY DID YOU CHOOSE AN URBAN SETTING ? Love the diversity of the belief system, backgrounds, experiences, languages, talents and interests. The need for qualified teachers.
H AVE YOU EVER BEEN IN A NON - URBAN SETTING ? I F SO, WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENCES ? Yes and no, but along with urban schools non-urban also has its challenges.
H OW DO YOU HANDLE BEHAVIORAL SITUATIONS ? W HAT THE BEST METHOD ? Behavior is best understood as a manifestation of academic frustration. Building strong relationships with the students and families, and being proactive.
W HAT ARE THE CHALLENGES OF AN URBAN SETTING ? Children coming to school with no prior educational skills, some may not be able to read, write or even speak English. Dealing with issues of poverty and race.
W HAT ARE THE REWARDS ? Seeing a child’s face light up when they suddenly understand. Positive, long lasting relationships, making a difference in someones life.
W HAT RECOMMENDATIONS DO YOU HAVE FOR AN INSPIRING TEACHER ? Know exactly why you want to work with kids…urban kids. Have a mentor, speak with other colleges. Try to put yourself in their community ( Boy’s and girl’s clubs, after school activities).
W HERE DO YOU SEE YOURSELF IN THE FUTURE ? Teaching, inspiring future teachers.
Weiner (2006) states, “At its best, teaching in city schools is exhausting, exhilarating, frustrating, and fulfilling. In my experience, city teachers work under the most frustrating conditions and yet they have the greatest responsibility for changing and saving lives. (p.3.)