Back to School Night Sra. Ryales mbed/zxV1_H0Tl4k
About me… Married 4 year old twins (almost 5) 12 th year in the district Other teaching experience- Pittsburgh and México Wissahickon HS graduate
CONTACT Phone #: ext Website: tiodeSraRyales/Welcome.html tiodeSraRyales/Welcome.html
Skill Areas Listening Speaking Reading Writing
3 Honors Texts: Aventura 4 Encuentos Maravillosos *Online textbook & practice: le=%C2%A1Aventura!%204
Spanish 3A Textbook: Realidades 2 (2 nd half of book) Online resources:
Daily Procedures and Expectations Student: Come prepared Start pre-clase upon entrance Have homework out Participate! Respect one another Do your best Teacher: Be prepared Have high expectations for all Be available to give extra help/ guidance after school Care about well being of each student
Homework & Assessment Homework – 5 pts 4-5 times per week Study vocab/grammar Assessments: Tests – Listening, writing, reading Quizzes Oral presentations/dialogues Projects
New and Exciting Student Teacher: Sheila Conlan Skype/video messaging – Spain Summer Trip to Puerto Rico
How can my child improve his/her Spanish? Watch t.v. in Spanish – telenovelas, movies Music in Spanish Reading Excellent Practice sites: hp
Gracias…¡Hasta Luego!