Police and Crime Commissioner Jenny McKibben, Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk Reducing Crime by Reducing Crisis The health and well-being impact on crime and anti-social behaviour 19 & 20 March 2013
Where are we now? Listening and planning mode Police and Crime Plan – draft received unanimous support of Police and Crime Panel (8/3/13) Precept agreed and approved – extra £1m + for policing and crime Commissioning – continuity for 2013/14
Next steps - Formal notification of agreed Crime & Disorder Reduction Grants Issue Police and Crime Plan – official launch at the end of March Commissioning by ‘zero based’ methodology for 2014/16
Bett’s 10-Point Pledge KEEP Norfolk one of the lowest crime counties in the country FIGHT serious and organised crime SUPPORT victims of crime, vulnerable and elderly people PROTECT the frontline in the face of cuts PROTECT local policing from privatisation USE targeting and prevention to reduce demand on police WORK with young people to stay clear of crime LISTEN carefully to the community, reaching out to minority communities and the disengaged to ensure policing is fair and equitable REJECT party politics and work with other Independents to provide a national voice USE Restorative Justice to achieve long-lasting solutions
PCC draft Crime & Disorder Reduction Objectives Reduce priority crime, anti-social behaviour and reoffending Reduce vulnerability, promote equality and support victims Reduce the need for service, through preventative and restorative approaches and more joined up working with partners; protecting the availability of front line resources
Health and links to crime Cost of drug related crime nationally - £14 billion Alcohol a factor in half of violent crimes Violent crime costs the NHS £2.9 billion Public Health Reforms, what they mean for Drug and Alcohol Services DrugScope 2013.
Pathways out of offending Accommodation Education Health Drugs & alcohol Finance Children & families Attitudes, thinking and behaviour
Why wait until someone offends? We need to ensure interventions are made at the earliest opportunity which will impact positively on: Those vulnerable to being victims of crime Those vulnerable to offending Locations vulnerable to crime and ASB So what are the Pathways out of vulnerability?
Successful zero based commissioning Will enable us to work together to reduce vulnerability. Understand – hearing the views of public, victims and stakeholders Plan – deciding with partners how our objectives can be achieved Do – influencing and commissioning Review – assessing impact and feeding back to the public.
Our approach to Commissioning Integrated Focused on delivering the PCC Crime and Disorder Objectives Against clear, measurable outcomes Transparent bidding process Cost effective mechanism
Norfolk PCC 2013/16 Commissioning Timeline Produce commissioning criteria June ‘13 Announce areas to be commissioned Select successful services October ‘13 Services commence April ‘14 October ‘15 Formal evaluation
Questions? Thank you for listening! Jenny McKibben Deputy PCC for Norfolk.