39.3% of children living in single mother homes live below the national poverty line. 49% of SPSF applicants receive government assistance: HUD Housing, food stamps, childcare assistance, and/or Medicare.
Arkansas ranks 46th in the USA in the percentage of children who are poor. 1 in 5 Arkansas children under age 18 is poor.
54% of applicant families receive child support The average received is $10 a day
46% of these children do not receive any child support.
HEALTH INSURANCE 57% of the children of SPSF families depend upon ARKids First for Health Care. 53% of SPSF applicants do not have health insurance. 16% of the children have medical or learning disabilities
Arkansas ranks in the top ten of states that are at risk for hunger % of all Arkansans are uncertain if they will have food each day.
20% of SPSF students have used a food pantry to feed their children. HUNGER 65% of the people served by food pantries in Arkansas are single parent families.
Students & Hunger 34% use food stamps 23% have reduced portions or skipped meals 52% kids receive free school lunch
Violent Crime Issues 73% have been emotionally abused 21% were battered by their ex-spouse 22% have been sexual abused 5% were victims of date rape 2% are raising a child that resulted from date rape 13% of students were abused as a child 7% were victims of a violent crime 31% of their children have experienced physical, emotional or sexual abuse
The United States is the world’s leader in fatherless families. US Census Bureau 1991
1 in 3 American children are being raised in a fatherless home.
Fatherless children are five times more likely to be poor and ten times more likely to be extremely poor.
1 out of 5 American children have a learning, emotional or behavioral problem due to the family system changing.
More than 50% of all American youth incarcerated for criminal acts lived in a single parent family when they were children.
76% of SPSF students work and go to school
It costs more to send a four-year old to a childcare center than send a student to the University of Arkansas
ACADEMICS 112 Students GPA or better GPA 27 have a 2.0 GPA 11 are new college students
Applicants 20% GED 80% HS Diploma 41% are First Generation post secondary students
Donated computers enable students to do homework at home with their children
Individual donations of used cars provide critical transportation for students without a vehicle.
1984 to GRADUATES 24 Graduates 2004
SPSF Mentors provide a caring, supportive friend in the community
Workshops teach life skills that help students succeed.
The most significant impact in a child’s life is the educational level of the mother.
Please join us in building a brighter future for Arkansas single parents and their children