Towards an integrated household survey Rob Bumpstead Office For National Statistics.


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Presentation transcript:

Towards an integrated household survey Rob Bumpstead Office For National Statistics

Overview Aims and benefits Key design features Consultation Survey content –core module –Other modules (sub-sample topic-specific modules) –sample sizes for analysis purposes Outputs – aggregate outputs and survey microdata Future consultation Development timetable

Whats in a name? Integrated Household Survey Or………. Continuous Population Survey?

Aim To develop an integrated household survey that will: –make better use of data already collected –deliver a range of better quality, more reliable estimates at national, regional and particularly, sub-regional levels –produce a range of new, regular outputs from a very large dataset of core information –improve coherence in official statistics through fewer competing survey estimates –deliver efficiencies through standardisation, integration, modernisation and better design

ONS surveys for integration Labour Force Survey (LFS) –including annual sample boosts General Household Survey (GHS) Expenditure & Food Survey (EFS) Omnibus Survey (OMN) Annual Population Survey boost sample no longer included Scope for other surveys to join after launch year

Key design features unclustered sample of addresses core set of information collected from all selected households followed by a particular interview type covering specific topics –once the sample is selected each address will be allocated to a particular interview type single integrated field force of interviewers able to administer all types of interview combinations in small geographical areas an enhanced survey case management system to increase our ability to manage field operations effectively and efficiently

Modular approach a single modular questionnaire instrument a core set of information covering all households and adult members; Fixed content – 5 years + Rotating content –topic modules of questions administered to sub- sets of the sample –core and topic modules combined to create a number of different interview types

Abstract representation of the modular design

Existing sample sizes Achieved number of independent household interviews per annum - (Great Britain) LFS 85,000 LFS annual boosts 88,000 EFS 6,000 GHS 9,000 Omnibus 16,000 All204,000 Plus Northern Ireland data for UK coverage

Panel elements of the integrated design SurveyNumber of interviews Interval between interviews Time in sample QLFS5 (address panel) 3 months12 months Local area LFS boosts 4 (address panel) 12 months 4 years GHS4 (household panel) 12 months 4 years

Consultation process During 2004: –bi-laterals with existing funding departments –talks to range of audiences – central and local government, academia, SRA, various international conferences October 2004: ONS published a consultation document on the NS website (100+ responses) –25% central govt –40% local or regional govt and Primary Care Trusts –14% special interest groups –8% academia –12 % other (business or individuals) October 2005: Consultation response document

Criteria for inclusion in core module Classificatory variable essential for analysis Clear requirement for a high level of precision nationally, regionally or sub-regionally and not provided elsewhere Information that can be collected either face-to- face or by telephone interview Proxy responses acceptable Topics which would not adversely affect response to the interview as a whole Stability of funding over time

Potential core outputs People: sex, age, marital status (incl. civil partnership status) Identity: ethnicity, religion, national identity, country of birth, year of entry to UK Living arrangements: e.g with partner Household type and composition (incl. family type) Family Units (within households) e.g. couple with dependent children

Potential core outputs Usual place of residence Residence one year ago Health: general health (healthy life expectancy derived), limiting long-term illness (disability free life expectancy), prevalence of smoking Housing: tenure, household size, accommodation type NS-SEC Income: banded household income (equivalised quintile groups)

Potential core outputs Employment-related: economic activity status (derived), self-employed or employee, supervisor or not, full-time/part-time, occupation & industry group, place of work, no. of employees at workplace, whether looking for paid work, govt schemes Education: educational status (whether student), highest qualification level, age finished full-time education Access to car (or van)

Core outputs: examples of approximate households for analysis (per annum) households (per annum) one person households households of a lone parent with dependent children households of a cohabiting couple with dependent children households in social sector housing privately renting households

Core outputs: examples of approximate numbers for analysis (per annum) persons (all ages) people aged 16 and over people aged people aged 75 and over Ethnic group 7000 Indian 7000 Pakistani 2000 Bangladeshi Black

Topic modules existing survey content rearranged into different interview types currently trialling 5 different interview types but this may change dependent on departmental needs and priorities and availability of appropriate funding scope for –Adding topic modules to existing interview types (subject to interview length) –Adding new interview type if adequate demand/funding

Existing and New Outputs Continue to deliver range of topic-specific outputs currently produced on existing surveys and new topic outputs (subject to availability of funding and resources): monthly, quarterly, annual Qtr : 'shortlist of topics and funders' for IHS 2008 and 3-5 year forward plan By end of Qtr : agree core and topic content for IHS 2008

Development timetable ( or The Long and Winding Road……) Completed 2004: initiate project - build up team, develop plans July 2004: Publication of initial formal consultation document (3 months) Autumn 2004-Spring 2005: develop modular design Spring and summer 2005: small scale field trials To be done mid 2007: fieldwork modernisation and field force integration; two pilots – one with improved case management system January 2008 –IHS to start –Parallel run LFS with IHS

Thank you