Interpretative Trails on the Ground Aleksandar Shivarov Black Sea NGO Network Varna, 20 April 2012
The Project Black Sea Basin Joint Operational Programme under ENPI Co-ordinator: Black Sea NGO Network Partners: –Mare Nostrum, Constanta, Romania –Black Sea Branch of the Ukrainian Environmental Academy of Science, Odessa, Ukraine –Community Foundation ‘Sustainable Development of Cahul’, Moldova –Black Sea Eco Academy, Batumi, Georgia Symmetrical project
Objectives and scope Objective: to widen the framework of transborder cooperation in the management of nature protected areas –improve the regional awareness on the significance of nature assets and sustainable development –share the experience from similar activities between the partners Duration: 2 years –until September Oct 2013 – according to contract
Group of Activities 1 Establishment and training of national teams and international sectoral teams for interpretative trails –design, develop and promote 20 interpretative trails exhibiting natural and cultural heritage –regional training workshop with the participation of all partners –establish 3 international sectoral teams
Group of Activities 2 Elaboration of interpretative trails and training of nature interpreters –establishment of the trails in cooperation with the competent authorities –investigation and description of biodiversity, geodiversity and cultural aspects for each trail; production of guides for interpreters –summer school for local interpreters
Group of Activities 3 Visibility and cross-border promotion of the action –setting up by all partners of visual identity for the interpretative trails (logo, slogan, graphic design) –website -brochures, leaflets, maps -information boards -short documentary films -information to the media -regional conference ‘Interpret the Black Sea’
Group of Activities 4 Management and coordination –establishment of teams, steering committee and model for internal monitoring –management on country level by national teams –management on regional level by Steering Committee
Where are we now? Project start: October 2011-> now: month 7 –Functioning national teams –Established trails –Common logo, slogan and website –Media coverage –Internal communication and reporting –Monitoring visit by JMA, 5-6 March 2012
Current workshop Design, management and promotion of interpretative trails Interpretation: principles, learning concepts, best practises Presentation of trails – poster session Working groups ‘How to design an interpretive trail’ Field trip to an existing interpretative trail
Expected results Increase the popularity and awareness of natural and cultural assets in the Black Sea region Reinforce the existing conditions for cross-border co-operation Create opportunities for additional income for the local communities Maintenance of infrastructure from local authorities and nature park administrations