How can someone come to hate his or her own race? How can someone get to the point where they hate themselves? The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
Native American Civil Rights 1903: Declared to be and “ignorant and dependent race” that must be governed by the “Christian people of the USA” 1924: Given citizenship (still can’t vote in some states) Currently 4.5 million in the US (1.5% of the population)
Health Native people die at higher rates than other Americans from: tuberculosis: 600% higher alcoholism: 510% higher motor vehicle crashes: 229% higher diabetes: 189% higher unintentional injuries: 152% higher suicide: 62% higher Indian youth have the highest rate of suicide among all ethnic groups in the U.S. and it is the second leading cause of death for Native youth aged
Move over Spike Lee. Keri Davis, 17, of New York, recently directed A Girl Like Me, a short documentary exploring the standards of beauty imposed on today's Black girls. "Ever since I was little, I planned out what I wanted to do," she says. "Through a number of frank interviews with girls from my high school, I wanted to give a voice to how these standards of beauty affect our self-image and self- esteem. I wanted to see how we have progressed."
In the film, for instance, Keri conducted the famous "doll test" with several 4-and 5-year-old boys and girls. They preferred a White doll over a Black doll, similar to the outcome of a 1950s experiment conducted by psychologist Dr. Kenneth Clark. The experiment was used in the historic desegregation case, Brown vs. Board of Education. A Girl Like Me, which Keri completed in 2005 as part of Reel Works, a teen filmmaking program sponsored by HBO and the YMCA of Prospect Park, N.Y., has received critical acclaim. Shown at film festivals as far away as Spain and the Netherlands, the film has earned several awards, including honors at the San Francisco Black Film Festival and the Media That Matters Diversity Award.
A Girl Like Me A Girl Like Me (documentary 10 min video) A Girl Like Me (documentary 10 min video)
Response According to the documentary, what are some of the issues that still remain for women as a result of slavery? How is this similar to the issues that Native Americans experience?