Miss Smith 7 th Grade Civics *pgs
Business cycle- economic pattern in which an economy goes through good times and bad times Expansion- period of the business cycle marked by growth Inflation- rise in the cost of goods and services Prices inflate/rise when there are more customers to compete for goods and services
Costs of production- business costs such as wages, payments for raw materials, transportation, and interest on money borrowed This could cause prices to rise Peak- high point in the business cycle when expansion and inflation stop Contraction- slow period in business cycle
Recession- period in the business cycle when businesses fail, people become unemployed, and profits fall Trough- lowest point in the business cycle Depression- very low trough when unemployment becomes very high
Took place in the 1930s Stock prices fell and banks failed Production slowed, businesses closed Lasted 10 years
*Do not write Place the following events leading to the Great Depression in correct order: A) One in four people unemployed B) Stocks fell sharply C) Banks failed
The New Deal (established by Franklin D. Roosevelt) included ways to improve the economy. This included the creation of: More jobs (civic construction/building parks and schools, etc.) The FDIC and SEC The Social Security system