What are the two major types of writing? Narrative Expository
Type of Text PurposeKey ElementsExamples Narrative (fictional) tells or narrates a fictional story plot, characters, setting, theme, atmosphere; descriptive, narrative, and dialogue paragraphs; sometimes illustrations short story, novel, play, some poetry, picture books Expository (factual) exposes or presents factual material often contains sub- topics (categories of information) with supporting details; 5WH; contains headings, illustrations with captions, charts, maps, graphs; specialized vocabulary Science text; documentary, biography, encyclopedia, newspaper/ magazine article; Internet documents
All About Reading What is ‘reading’? How do people learn to read? What is a good reader? What are some of the strategies that readers use? Make a list of several reasons people enjoy reading. Why do you think some people do not enjoy reading? Make a list of 5 school-related reading materials. Make a list of 5 ‘everyday’ reading materials. What are your favourite reading materials? What are some of the favourite books you have read? What do we mean by the term ‘text’? What are some examples of text?
an interactive process that involves continuous interaction between a reader and an author through the text with the purpose of constructing meaning
EFFECTIVE READERS EXHIBIT VARIOUS BEHAVIOURS reread parts when they do not understand sound out words use chunking to help decode words use their knowledge of letter-sound relationships use their bank of sight words bring their prior or background knowledge make educated guesses based on their knowledge
EFFECTIVE READERS EXHIBIT VARIOUS BEHAVIOURS track the text with their fingers keep reading beyond a difficult word get meaning from the pictures examine the text’s structure: length, difficulty, headings, captions, charts use the context (surrounding words) clues use their knowledge of how words are ordered visualize or paint pictures from the words they read
EFFECTIVE READERS EXHIBIT VARIOUS BEHAVIOURS ask questions of themselves summarize focus on key words / ideas take jot notes adjust their reading speed and style according to purpose and text type seek clarification use knowledge of base words and prefixes and suffixes do a think-aloud
EFFECTIVE READERS EXHIBIT VARIOUS BEHAVIOURS make predictions get meaning from punctuation marks skip words and reread to clarify monitor their comprehension and make adjustments make connections self-correct able to synchronize many behaviours into the process of reading use a strategy like PETT to choose a text