The short video tutorial project « Youtube » style documentary
Brainstorming and Script writing Using a word document or other program to map out your video ideas. All members of the group should input their ideas and all ideas should be respected. Once the group has decided on a theme or idea, you will begin creating your script.
What is a script? Simply, a script is the written story of your video. It is the guide created by the group to help orientate all filming and speaking parts or the film. When used properly, it helps keep the « crew » organised and on the same page throughout the « shoot »
Suggested ressource write-a-video-script-ht write-a-video-script-ht To get a better idea of what a script does, follow the link above.
Today’s task Create your group and begin your brainstorming and script planning. Intent: to provide time for your group to decide on the topic and direction your film will take. Criteria: you must follow the created criteria, you must inform me of your group, you must complete your brainstorm today.