Agenda Purpose Teaching Styles Teaching Strategies Evaluation
Purpose In depth look at teaching Objectives Assessments Reliability and validity
Teaching Styles iTEST Session I
Which is your style? Formal Authority Demonstrator Facilitator Delegator
Formal Authority Focus on content Responsible for controlling the flow Building relationships – not a concern “Sage on the stage”
Goals External factors –Society’s expectations –Accreditation Internal factors –Peers –Students Personal factors –Values –Experiences
Demonstrator Emphasis on demonstration and modeling Encourage student participation Adapt presentation to various learning styles “Personal model teaching”
Goals In terms of student’s ability to perform Application content as part of a task vs. content coverage Student should be apprentice scholars in the discipline
Facilitator Focus on activities More responsibility on student to take initiative Active learning, problem solving “Guide”
Goals Defined by student’s ability to act Theoretical and practical steps Learn how to learn
Delegator Learning placed on individual or group Gives choice of projects Students work in groups or alone “Consultant”
Goals Enhance individual growth Articulate a vision Development of a “whole” person