TAU K M Breakfast Session Word 2007 Numbering and Table of Contents Presented by Jeets Hargovan 4 March 2010
Content Styles –The starting point Basic Lists Headings –With / without numbers –Levels –Auto update Table of Contents –Changing the ToC Formats Closure
Styles Normal –Basics Font Spacing Justification, etc Title Headings They say style makes the man (person) – (Not sure who they is!!!). And styles can also make a document. A style is a tool that helps you format a document. It contributes to a larger goal, too: to make your document stylish. A smart use of styles will make your authoring life easier and your document more powerful.
Basic Lists
Headings Heading numbers Levels Auto update
Table of Contents There are two steps you take to create an automatic TOC: Prepare your document by assigning heading styles to the chapter titles and headings that you want to appear in the TOC. Collect those titles and headings into the TOC.